GIFTS represents the research (prototype) demonstration that is the most efficient and effective way to realize a new operational system for a future geostationary hyperspectral sounder. What GIFTS proves feasible should be incorporated into future hyperspectral sounders, if not applied to general remote sensing instrumentation.
GIFTS will provide more accurate and precise meteorological observations that will increase our understanding of the atmosphere and improve forecasts.
GIFTS will significantly improve our ability to forecast hurricane landfall, tornadic storms, and air quality, as well as improve overall weather forecasting.
By observing thousands of pixels simultaneously, GIFTS will provide rapid, high spatial resolution measurements. Refer to the Instrument Section for more information about the focal plane detector arrays.
GIFTS will cover critical gaps in spectral coverage allowing for better information about the atmosphere. Efforts to increase the spectral and spatial resolution of satellite based atmospheric sounding instruments began more than twenty-five years ago when it became obvious that the spectral resolution limitations of sensing instruments limited the accuracy and resolution of atmospheric profiles. Specifically, in the Longwave IR Focal Plane (8.8-14.6 microns), the focus will be on temperature profiles, ozone profiling, and cloud properties. In the Shortwave IR Focal Plane (4.4-6.1 microns), the focus will be on water vapor and wind profiles, carbon monoxide profiling, and stratus cloud detection. With many more channels at higher resolution providing far more information about the atmosphere, GIFTS will be far superior to the GOES Sounder.
With many more channels at higher resolution providing far more information about the atmosphere, GIFTS will be far superior to the GOES Sounder.
The GIFTS instrument will have a dramatically larger volume of information that it will gather compared to the current GOES sounders.