The Flash Ani(mation)S applet
Page 4 - The toggle buttons, bottom controls, frame labels, and specifying colors for
4a. You may also want to add toggle controls so that the
user can remove frames if they want. This is done by adding
the name toggle to the list of controls. But that's too
easy! Let's we also want to put the toggle controls
below the image and add a label for each frame. So, we'll
need to specify the controls like this:
controls = startstop, overlay, framelabel
bottom_controls = toggle
overlay_labels = temperature, streamlines, map
filenames = TIR1.GIF, TIR2.GIF, TIR3.GIF, TIR4.GIF
frame_label = Aug 3 12:15pm CDT, Aug 3 1:15pm, Aug 3 2:15pm, Aug 3 3:15pm
overlay_filenames = TSFC1.GIF & TSFC2.GIF & TSFC3.GIF & TSFC4.GIF, TSTR1.GIF, TMAP.GIF
transparency = x000000
4b. Now let us change some of the attributes:
colors and attributes of the labels, including changing the text in the startstop button
also include the active_zoom feature -- click to zoom in, and ctrl+click to zoom out in steps, alt+click zooms all the way out.
change the size and spacing of the toggle indicators
make the first two overlays mutually-exclusive, using the overlay_radio parameter, so that only one can be active.
Here is the modified configuration file :
controls = startstop, overlay, framelabel
bottom_controls = toggle
overlay_labels = temperature, streamlines, map
filenames = TIR1.GIF, TIR2.GIF, TIR3.GIF, TIR4.GIF
frame_label = Aug 3 12:15pm CDT, Aug 3 1:15pm, Aug 3 2:15pm, Aug 3 3:15pm
overlay_filenames = TSFC1.GIF & TSFC2.GIF & TSFC3.GIF & TSFC4.GIF, TSTR1.GIF, TMAP.GIF
transparency = x000000
active_zoom = true
toggle_size = 30, 10, 30
overlay_radio = true, true, false
overlay_labels_color = 0x000000, 0xff00ff, 0x00ffff
overlay_labels_mouseover_color = 0x808080, 0x00ff00, 0xff0000
frame_label_style = 0x200020, 0xff8080, 15, 25
startstop_labels = Stop it!, Animate it!, 100
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If you would like more information, or have questions or
suggestions, please contact Tom