AERI Daily Power Cycle Setup
Instruction from Denny Hackel email 2022-02-17
Here is what I did to set up Daily interferometer cycles on the AMF-M2 AERI.
Added c:\aeri_run\ file:
# script to start up E-AERI
# set up python path
export PYTHONPATH=$AERI_RUN/dmv.egg:$AERI_RUN/aeri.egg:$AERI_RUN/setuptools.egg
Added a line to the end of kill_ingest.bat file to run the script that calls The kill_ingest.bat file gets called by windows task scheduler at 23:57 UTC every day. It kills the software before reboot and now cycles the hardware power. Updated file:
c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c "kill $(c:/cygwin/bin/dos2unix.exe < c:/temp/"
c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c "/cygdrive/c/aeri_run/"