NOTE: "propellers" are maple tree seeds, which Louie picks up in the yard one-by-one, sometimes as many as a "thousand a day" according to him.
OK, I'll try to make this long story short. This is second hand too. Back when you are too young to drive, my brother and his friend had to get Louie to pick them up at the theatre after a movie. Driving down Robert Street (the "main drag" in West St. Paul), a couple kids in a hot-rod cruised past Louie and kind of cut him off. Well, this "bitched" Louie, so he cruised past them, and not only did he cut them off, but he decides to come to a complete stop in front of them. Not expecting this, they of course tried to stop but rammed into him. Having always driven Sherman tanks, this did nothing to Louie's car. The driver got out and came up to Louie, shouting something to the effect of "Jesus Christ you crazy old man! What the hell are you trying to do?!". To which Louie replied by telling them "Blow my ass!!" and casually driving away! The last thing Joey remembers is looking back as they drove away and seeing the front of their grill smashed in with a small hole in the center of it, and Louie proudly muttering "boy! sure am glad I put that trailer hitch on!".
Following excerpt 2nd-hand from eldest son, "The Jimmy"...