Architectural Rooms of S. V. Shipman
Office Architect, Northern State Hospital for Insane
Rooms 62 & 64,
161 LaSalle Street
Chicago, Nov 23rd, 1875
My Dear Draper:
Your favor of the 17th inst. came duly to hand, with Receipt of the State Bank for $53.75. Many thanks for your kindness in this matter.
Did Col. Knight make any objections to the charge for that work? Was it satisfactory to you?
The death of Dr. McDill was a surprise to me, as well a matter of profound regret. Is his daughter the wife of Senator Ferry, of Michigan? You may have noticed the statement in the Chicago Times, to that effect.
Your reasons for declining an arrangement for Charlie to board with you were entirely satisfactory. I hope the joint enterprise between yourself and Mr. Brewster will prove very very successful.
It is a surprise to me that Mr. Joss has not yet finished your Library Building. Does not the roof impress you favorably as to its fireproof qualities; as well as a perfect protection against water? I have great confidence in that kind of a roof, when well constructed -- as I hope yours is.
I have been confined to my house for a week past by a sprained ankle. My game leg is a very vulnerable member; and troublesome always.
Hoping you are well and prosperous, and soon to have your legal matters arranged to your satisfaction, I remain,
Very Truly Your Friend,
S. V. Shipman