Architectural Rooms of S. V. Shipman
Office Architect, Northern State Hospital for Insane
161 LaSalle Street,
Chicago, October 23d, 1880
My Dear Draper:
Your favor of the 18th inst. came duly to hand, and with it the copy of Fathers of Wisconsin. Having previously received the last named Vol. through your kindness, permit me to suggest that I be allowed to present the duplicate to the Chicago Historical Soc'y.
On receipt of your letter, not finding the newspapers you named, among those here in my possession, search was made for them elsewhere, with final success.
I send by mail the "Chicago Times" of Sept. 23rd and Oct. 7th. One of the papers has the Stamp of the "P. O. News Depot" which establishment is a better place to look for old papers than any other yet named to you.
Having requested a considerable number of persons to make search for these papers, it is not unlikely other copies may be sent me. If so, shall I send them to you?
All well here. Business is good. Political matters not encouraging for the friends of Gen'l. Hancock. I wish it were otherwise. Do not delay giving the result of you Literary labors to the Public -- and "don't you forget it."
Sincerely your friend
S. V. Shipman