Architectural Rooms of S. V. Shipman
Office Architect, Northern State Hospital for Insane
161 LaSalle Street,
Home, 11 PM
Chicago, Sept. 2nd 1878
My Dear Draper:
It is my present intention, to spend two or three days in Madison, during State Fair week; and the presumption is, that all the Hotels will be full, before I get there.
Should such be the case, can you secure for me a place to sleep in your house, without inconvenience to yourself or detriment to the interests of your tenants? Do not hasten to the conclusion that I am seeking to become a "dead head". My only object is to be sure of some place to stay at night, without a resort to the lockup.
Have you determined what you will do in regard to making a new Contract for publishing your "Border Forays"? If in your place, I would have the matter brought to the attention of Moses Warren, or S. C. Griggs, or both.
Ask Alex'r Mitchell for a Pass to Chicago and Return, and come here with the Manuscript, and have a personal interview with theses gentlemen and perhaps others. We have room for you at our house and will be glad to see you.
Sincerely your friend
S. V. Shipman