Architectural Rooms of S. V. Shipman, Architect
Office Architect, Northern State Hospital for Insane
160 LaSalle Street,
Chicago, July 25th 1883
My Dear Draper:
Your favor of yesterday is received. I regret to hear of Mrs. Draper's illness, but hope she may recover from it by proper care and treatment. Am glad to know she is improving.
Capt. St. Germ is right about Pomeroy -- he was senior Major of the 1st Cav. when we went to the field, afterwards promoted to Lt. Col. -- was a Methodist preacher, and a Prof. in Lawrance University. -- was not a good soldier, -- never had the respect and confidence of the officers and men, -- became greatly demoralized morally and professionally; and resigned early in the War. -- was a fine mathematician, but a very weak, bad man -- died in Tennesee about ten years since.
When writing St. G. please give him my kindest regards. His wife also, who is a splendid woman.
I have received from Mr. Durrie a copy of the IX Vol. of the Society's Collections, but have been so much pressed with business, have found no time to acknowledge same. -- Hastily glanced through it, and liked it very much.
Have a few volumes left with me for your Soc'y, which will be forwarded in a short time.
Hon. John G. Rogers is, I believe, from Kentucky, but am not acquainted with him. He is Judge of the Circuit Court, and his House is 230 South Ashland Avenue, this City. Have never heard of his relationship to Genl. Geo. Rogers Clark.
"Kings Mountain" deserves a better fate, and I am suprised and pained to hear of smallness of sales. Is not the fault in the canvasser and Publisher?
Business is very good, and I am feeling nearly tired out, but see no opening for a rest.
Hoping you are well, and now have to time to complete some of your long-cherished works I remain,
Sincerely your friend,
S. V. Shipman