Madison WI
July 9th, 1867
Friend Draper:
I am in receipt of yours of yesterday and immediately called on Mr. Lentz, and had a lengthy chat over his real estate operations.
He said you should go to the Branch on the 10th or 11th to look after his Brewery there and would call on you and see what you and he could do in the way of making a trade or bargain.
I will see him again after the time he has set has expired, and so jog his memory, until he shall have been to see you.
Can I do more to aid you in the matter? Mrs. S. is better than she was during the winter and Spring, others all well.
I wish you could find the right Physician and give up work until quite recovered from your old difficulties. Don't work so hard. I hope to see you several times before you go to Illinois -- am very busy as usual and now the U.S.P.O & C.H. is to be commenced which increases the prospect for work.
Excuse the great haste and believe me
Truly your friend,
S. V. Shipman