Dear Sir:
As I shall be absent at the next meeting of the Executive Committee of the State Historical Society, on Tuesday evening next, permit me to tender through you to the society the use, for the present season, of one of the small parlor aquariums which I now have in operation, and which you may have noticed at my office.
It is not that I think this one just the thing for the rooms of the Society; but trust it may be the initiating step toward a larger and much more extensive affair.
The stocks in this aquarium is by no means what it might be -- being only a commencement; but in a few days I hope to be able to add a few of the never- to-be-left-out, Goldfish; and other varieties from our own (?) Lakes.
If you think well of this proposition, you can send and get it, at any time without waiting my return.
Hastily and very truly,
Yours, etc.
S. V. Shipman