To Col. Wm. F. Vilas, Madison, Wis.
Architectural Rooms of S. V. Shipman
Office Architect, Northern State Hospital for Insane
161 LaSalle Street
Chicago, May 14th 1878
My Dear Colonel:
Yours of the 12th is at hand, and I note what you say about Monograms.
I immediately called on Rice and Co. who informed me they had sent the Glass to the cutter, but any change you desired to make should be made any time before the shipment of your goods.
My own opinion is, that to put your Monogram on any of the outside lights, would have too much of a business look -- would be of questionable taste in a dwelling.
The day of Monograms on front or Vestibule lights has passed, in this city at least. The more usual custom is to put in the pannels [sic] of the Vestibule lights the initial letter ('V' of any style of letter preferred) -- this to be on both pannels of the inside vestibule door. This may be made a neat ornament for the center of the light, with a light band encircling the letter.
Rice & Co. will not ship your glass for some days and if you want anything added, let me know and I will tell them. I think they will wait to hear from either you or me on the subject.
Very Truly Yours, etc.
S. V. Shipman