S. V. Shipman
Chicago, Ill.
May 4th 1877
My Dear Draper:
Yours of the 26th inst. came duly to hand, but as it did not seem to require an answer, was laid aside, for the time.
I met Mr. Warren yesterday and he informed me that he had received a letter from you, stating that you had concluded an arrangement with a Mr. Schneider. He remarked also, he should have been glad to have published the work, but had been sick which together with pressing business had prevented his going to Madison.
I hope your present arrangement will prove every way satisfactory.
Nothing new with me to speak of. The pleasant weather has a favorable influence on my physical condition, but frequent sick headaches impair my working power very much.
Hoping something may turn up to induce you still remain in your old position I remain
Faithfully your friend,
S. V. Shipman