Architectural Rooms of S. V. Shipman
Office Architect, Northern State Hospital for Insane
Rooms 62 & 64,
161 LaSalle Street
Chicago, April 29th 1876
My Dear Draper:
Your last letter did not seem to require any special reply, and hence my silence.
What a sad picture is presented by the case of his Ex Excellency! I am amazed at the course he has been following, as developed by the investigation now in progress! What can the man have been thinking about? I am ashamed of him. Bah!
Under the circumstances, it would be great good fortune for him to be adjudged insane and sent to the Hospital of which he was so long a Trustee.
Some day, there may be added, fresh laurels to the wreath which at present encircles his brow, by an examination of his unholy alliance, with a co- conspirator in Madison, to obtain personal profit, in the management of the affairs of that Institution. On the surface, all may have seemed lovely; but the secret history of their doings would be a comparison paragraph in the record which is being made up at present time.
The cunning craftiness of his co-laborer may have covered up their tracks so well that more time will be required to reveal their true "inwardness".
This is for your private ear. Please so regard it.
What progress are you making, in the way of arrangements for publishing your Book? Can I do anything to aid you in the matter?
When do you expect to go to the Centennial Exhibition? I hope to have provisions made to invite you to go with me without being obliged to pay R. R. Fare. Have you already such arrangements?
All well here. Nothing new. Kindly to all friends.
Faithfully Your Friend,
S. V. Shipman