Architectural Rooms of S. V. Shipman
Office Architect, Northern State Hospital for Insane
161 LaSalle Street,
Chicago, March 19th 1880
My Dear Draper:
I am surprised and pained to find that your esteemed favor of Feby. 2d was mislaid and escaped my notice until today. It should have been answered long ago.
In reply I may say Mr. Miller called on me with your letter to him; and after talking the matter over the conclusion was that I had made a mistake in telling you that he had a new work on Gen'l. Geo. Rogers Clark, as he had no recollection of seeing it.
It must have been Harper's "Stories of Old Dominion" as you suggest.
Having ceased to take the "Democrat" I know very little of what is going on at Madison. I hope the Legislature acted kindly towards the Society; and that you have a clear coast in regard to printing matters.
Business is very brisk now. I shall be at Waukesha tomorrow, letting contracts for buildings for the "Silurian Springs" owned by Pittsburgh parties. Returned from St. Jo., Mo., and Omaha last week. All well. No important news.
Wishing you health and prosperity I remain
Sincerely your friend
S. V. Shipman