Home, Chicago, Feby 4th 1877
My Dear Draper:
I have delayed answering your esteemed favor of Jany 26th for the simple cause, that by reason of absence from his business place, Mr. Warren has not been communicated with or called on.
Tomorrow afternoon, I have the assurace of being able to meet him, and shall promptly present the matter, as you have requested.
My numerous dealings with Mr. Warren have always been pleasant and satisfactory; and it will afford my great pleasure to attend to this matter, for you, to the best of my ability.
I shall be at Madison in two or three days; and should the hotels be full may be only to [sic] glad to avail myself of your permission to stop with you and Mrs. D. should it meet the convenience of yourselves.
Very hastily and Sincerely
Your Friend
S. V. Shipman