Architectural Rooms of S. V. Shipman
Office Architect, Northern State Hospital for Insane
Rooms 62 & 64,
161 LaSalle Street
Chicago, Feby 3d, 1876.
My Dear Draper:
Your esteemed favor of the 29th ultimo. came duly to hand, and I have made such inquiries as were practicable, about R. S. Peale & Co., and now send you the result.
1st. - the official report of the Commercial Agency of Dunn & Co. which to my mind is a favorable one, on the whole, although it does not show much financial strength.
Brackstreet's Agency report -- the "firm dissolved and further information furnished at the office." Not being in communication with this office, I cannot state the import of the information thay have to impart.
I went to Mr. Peale's office, and found them transacting business in a manner which left a favorable impression on my own mind.
This is about all I can give you on the subject.
If in your place, I would look about for a stronger House, for the publication of an important work; but on this point you ought to be able to judge more correctly than myself.
Will you permit me to suggest, -- the title, which I understand you have under consideration to [?]: - "Border Forays" may not be as attractive or dignified, as some other which might be selected. But on this subject I do not pretend to be posted.
I congratulate the Hist'l Socy. and yourself on having secured the Perkins Collection; and the very favorable attention of the Legislature to the interests and objects of the Socy.
We are all well and very busy. With kind remembrance to all the friends, I remain
Faithfully your friend
S. V. Shipman