Architectural Rooms of S. V. Shipman
Office Architect, Northern State Hospital for Insane
161 LaSalle Street,
Chicago, Jany 20th 1879
My Dear Draper:
Yours of the 17th is received. I have obtained the Times of 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th + 19th inst. and have sent them to you by Mail. Will send the Times daily, until the Inquiry into Maj. Reno's (?) conduct is concluded.
There is no talk, at present, of the testimony being published in pamphlet form. If it should done at all, Maj. R. seems to be the only one likely to do it.
I hope the Legislature will not do the unjust thing -- of cutting down your at present paltry salary.
The Senatorial candidates should be thrown overboard, and some good man "dark horse" elected. Logan is about the worst man we could have in this State.
Call on me when you need anything more.
Sincerely your friend
S. V. Shipman