Dear General:
Yours of the 7th was found on my table this morning on my return from Oshkosh.
A. P. C. Boute, 114 Monroe Sts. of this city furnishes the frames you refer to. He manufactures them at his larger manufactory in Cincinnati, O.
I have requested him to write you on the subject. No better frames are manufactured than he gives to the public. Gold guilt [sic] on all good frames.
He manufactures cheap frames also. Those I purchased for Genl. Proudfit and self cost $23. wholesale. That sent to Mr. Stuart for Dr. Chapman's $15; to which must be added a charge of $1.25 for boxing two frames, if sent together.
In a few days you can see one sent to Mr. Durrie for E. W. Keyes price $23.00 and boxing. Retail price $30. "Silver leaf gilt" is what you don't want, as at first it looks as well as gold, but soon tarnishes. It is difficult to distinguish the former from real gold. You are doing splendidly. Next is a suitable gallery.
Hastily yours,
S. V. Shipman