Chicago, Jan. 1st, 1875
Honorable L. C. Draper,
Cor. Secy.
My Dear Sir:
The circular of the Society, soliciting contributions to the "Building Fund" came duly to hand.
Business engagements have prevented my giving to this matter the time I should have been glad to. It has however been presented to several of our Friends here interested in Historical matters, and favorably received.
One gentleman has given a positive pledge, and others have signified a willingness to do so.
A meeting on the subject was proposed for last Thursday Evening, at my office, but when we met, Mrs. Scott Seddon's Reading proved a greater attraction, and we adjourned to meet again next week.
We shall do something but just what it will be, is yet to be determined.
You will be advised in due time of the result of this effort.
Wishing the Society continued prosperity I remain,
Faithfully your friend,
S. V. Shipman
"A Happy New Year"