Everything you ever wanted to know about (but nothing personal)
- City I live in: Madison, WI
- Date of Birth: 8 October 1960, I'm a Libra
- Place of birth: The Hospital in Bellefonte PA
- Commemorative plaque installed? NOT YET
- Where I grew up: State College, PA
- 1978 graduate of State College Area High School ('78 is great).
- 1982 graduate of Penn State University (BS in Meteorology, BS in Comp Sci)
- 1984 graduate of UW-Madison (MS in Meteorology)
- 1989 graduate of UW-Madison (PhD in Meteorology)
- Where I worked before SSEC: URI Grad School of Oceanography
- Senator I admire: Russ Feingold, only Senator who voted against the PATRIOT act.
- Former Senator I loathe: Rick Santorum. If only I still lived in PA so I could vote against him!
- Current Senator I loathe: How about that old guy in Alaska?
- Wife's name: Martha
- Daughter's Name: Sarah
- Son's Name: Andrew
- Present pets:
- Former Dog: Mollie aka Mollie McButter aka Mollie puppydog. Rest In Peace Puppy..10-30-1992 (When we got her as a used dog) -- 10-7-2003 :(
- Cat: Butterscotch aka Miss Twitch.
- New Dog: Sami the neurotic cocker spaniel -- we got her Friday night, 18 June 2004
- Siblings: Karen Mark Jon (all older and wiser)
- Singing voice: Tenor
- Non-USA countries visited: Canada, Great Britain, Norway, Finland
- US States not visited: NV, OR, UT, AK, HI
- Hair color: Auburn/brown with Yes, some Grey.
- Eye color: hazel
- Number bikes owned in life: 5
- Present Bicycle: Zebrano, blue and silver
- Favorite fruit: raspberry
- Favorite cookie: Chocolate Chip or Molasses
- % milkfat of milk: 0 (I drink skim milk)
- Primary Schools (all in State College, PA):
- Easterly Parkway Elementary (K-4)
- Fairmount Ave. Elementary (5-6)
- Secondary Schools (all in State College, PA):
- Westerly Parkway Junior High School(7-9)
- State College Area Senior High School (10-12).
- Number of years I had to ride a bus to school: 0
- Three songs I can't help but sing along to:
- No One is to blame by Howard Jones
- Someone keeps moving my chair by They Might be Giants
- Devil went down to Georgia by Charlie Daniels
- Favorite Ice Cream vendor: Meyers Dairy in State College PA!
- 2nd Favorite Ice Cream vendor: PSU Creamery
- Favorite Ice Cream flavor: Variegated Peanut Butter
- Favorite "Scientific" Book: Innumeracy by John Allen Paulos
- Presidential election votes: Kerry (very reluctantly), Gore, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Mondale, Carter
- Sports I participate in: swimming, biking, rollerblading
- Present weight: 195 pounds
- Height: 6' 3"
- Most annoying question: "Do you play basketball?"
- Favorite Seafood restaurant: Champlin's, Pt. Judith, RI
- Favorite month of year: May
- Soap Opera that I used to watch: All My Children
- Instruments on which I have been instructed: 2 (piano, violin)
- Programming languages I've used: PL/C, PL/1, fortran, C, LISP, APL, BASIC, Assembler for PDP 11/34, java, awk.
- Hours I work each day: 8
- Hurricanes I have lived through: Bob (1991)
- Number of hours without electricity after Bob: 30
- Number of graduate advisors: 2
- Most embarassing record album purchase: Je survivrai by Regine
- Number of kindergarten classmates for whom I have e-mail addresses: 4
- Time of day born: 11:55 pm
- Preferred method of commuting: Rollerblading, but most of the time I bike
- Time alarm clock is set at: 6:00 AM
- Religion: Converted to Catholicism from Episcopalian (Yeah, that's a BIG change!) in 2002
- Pet Peeve: grammatical errors in the newspaper
- Undergraduate GPA: 3.27
- Number of Ds received as undergrad: 2
- Number of shows seen on Broadway: 2 (The Wiz, Chorus Line)
- Last show I saw in a NYC theater: Baltimore Waltz
- Last show I saw in a theater: Mamma mia (my review: Toe-tapping good time)
- Last movie I saw in a theater: Enchanted, maybe.
- Favorite Living Mystery Writer: M. C. Beaton
- Favorite National Park: Glacier
- Least Favorite Highway: I-93 in Boston, but maybe it's better since the big dig
SSEC // Sep 18, 2008 //