The satellite import is file based. Satellite data is generally raster image based, but can differ in file format, number of channels (e.g. grayscale or color), geographic location etc.
Supported image formats:
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is a flexible file format for raster graphic files supporting multiple sub-files, tiling, different number of channels and color depths, compression type, etc. See the Wikipedia article “Tagged Image File Format” for an introduction and the TIFF format specification by Adobe for the full technical specification.
GeoTIFF is a metadata standard how to store georeferencing information about images in TIFF file headers.
NinJo expects several GeoTIFF and privately defined tags to be present in the import files in order to correctly georeference them and to assign satellite, product, color table information and so on.
No | Name | Object | TIFFType | Type | length | Contents | Definition | Mandatory |
33922 | reference_point | ModelTiePoint | TIFF_DOUBLE | double[] | 6 | [-180..180,-90..90] | upper left corner of the image – [0, 0, 0, leftmost longitude, topmost latitude, 0] – third value is the unused z-value |
x |
33550 | pixel_resolution | ModelPixelScale | TIFF_DOUBLE | double[] | 2 | resolution of one pixel (x,y) in lambda/phi | x | |
50000 | transparent_pixel | TranparentPixel | TIFF_SLONG | int | 1 | -1 .. 255 | -1 means unset, else the pixel number (0 ... ) | 0 |
No | Name | Object | TIFFType | Type | length | Contents | Definition | Mandatory |
40001 | satellite_name_ID | SatelliteName ID | TIFF_LONG | long | long | see table Satellite Name IDs | x | |
40002 | date_ID | DateID | TIFF_LONG | long | long | UNIX representation of date (in milliseconds since 1970) | x | |
40003 | creation_date_ID | CreationDateID | TIFF_LONG | long | long | UNIX representation of creation date (in milliseconds since 1970) | x | |
40004 | channel_ID | ChannelID | TIFF_LONG | long | long | see table Satellite Product IDs | x | |
40005 | headerversion_number | HeaderVersion | TIFF_SLONG | Integer | 2 | 0-99 | version no. of the header | x |
40006 | filename | FileName | TIFF_ASCII | String | 256 | String | name of the Satellite image file | |
40007 | data_type_code | DataType | TIFF_ASCII | String | 4 | d1: P,G d2: O,P d3d4: RN RB RA BN AN |
Polar, Geostationary, Original, Product, Raster, Bufr, ASCII, NIL |
x |
40008 | number_of_satellite | SatelliteNumber | TIFF_ASCII | String | 10 | String | 7, 11, F1C | x |
40009 | colordepth | ColorDepth | TIFF_SLONG | Integer | 2 | 8/16/24/32 | Number of bits per pixel | x |
40010 | datasource | DataSource | TIFF_ASCII | String | 8 | String | Eg. PDUS, HRPT, HRUS | 0 |
40011 | Xmin | XMinimum | TIFF_SLONG | Integer | 6 | 0-999999 | no. of the first column (starting right) | x |
40012 | Xmax | XMaximum | TIFF_SLONG | Integer | 6 | 0-999999 | no. of the last column | x |
40013 | Ymin | YMinimum | TIFF_SLONG | Integer | 6 | 0-999999 | no. of the first line (starting at the bottom) | x |
40014 | Ymax | YMaximum | TIFF_SLONG | Integer | 6 | 0-999999 | no. of the last line | x |
40015 | projection code | Projection | TIFF_ASCII | String | 4 | NPOL,SPOL,PLAT | NPOL/SPOL: polar-sterographic North/South PLAT: „Plate Carrée“, equirectangular projection |
x |
40016 | western_meridian | MeridianWest | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | -180.0-+180.0 | western image border | 1 |
40017 | eastern_meridian | MeridianEast | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | -180.0-+180.0 | eastern image border | 1 |
40018 | earth_radius_a | EarthRadiusLarge | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | 0.0-999999.9 | earth radius of the large earth half axis | 3,4 |
40019 | earth_radius_b | EarthRadiusSmall | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | 0.0-999999.9 | earth radius of the small earth half axis | 3,4 |
40020 | earth_date | GeodeticDate | TIFF_ASCII | String | 20 | String | Eg was84 (future, eg used with GPS system) | 0 |
40021 | reference_lat1 | ReferenceLatitude1 | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | -90.0-+90.0 | First reference latitude of the projection (N>0.0°) | 4 |
40022 | reference_lat2 | ReferenceLatitude2 | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | -90.0-+90.0 | Second reference latitude of the projection (N>0.0°) | 2,4 |
40023 | central_meridian | CentralMeridian | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | -180-+180.0 | Central meridian (E>0.0°) | 4 |
40024 | physical_value | PhysicValue | TIFF_ASCII | String | 10 | String | eg. temperature, albedo, ... | x |
40025 | physical_unit | PhysicUnit | TIFF_ASCII | String | 10 | String | Kelvin, Celsius, %, ... | x |
40026 | min_gray_value | MinGrayValue | TIFF_SLONG | Integer | 0-255 | Minimum gray value | x | |
40027 | max_gray_value | MaxGrayValue | TIFF_SLONG | Integer | 0-255 | Maximum gray value | x | |
40028 | gradient | Gradient | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | Slope (ie gradient) | x | |
40029 | axis_intercept | AxisIntercept | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | Axis intercept | x | |
40030 | colortable | ColorTable | TIFF_ASCII | String | 256 | String | Name of the automatic color table | 0 |
40031 | image_description | Description | TIFF_ASCII | String | 1000 | String | Product description | 0 |
40032 | over_flight_direction | OverflightDirection | TIFF_ASCII | String | 1 | N,S | Overflight direction of the Satellite (polar) | 0 |
40033 | geographical_lat | GeoLatitude | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | -90.0-+90.0 | Geograpical latitude of the Satellite (geost) | 0 |
40034 | geographical_long | GeoLongitude | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | -180.0-+180.0 | Geograpical longitude of the Satellite (geost) | 0 |
40035 | satellite_height | Altitude | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | 0.0-999.999.0 | Height of the Satellite [km] | 0 |
40036 | AOS_Azimuth | AOSAzimuth | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | 0.0-360.0 | Acquisition of Signal (only polar) | 0 |
40037 | LOS_Azimuth | LOSAzimuth | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | 0.0-360.0 | Loss of Signal (only polar) | 0 |
40038 | max_elevation | MaxElevation | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | 0.0 – 90.0 | Maximum of Elevation (only polar) | 0 |
40039 | overflight_duration | OverFlightTime | TIFF_FLOAT | Float | 8 | 0.0-999.999.0 | Overflight duration [m] (only polar) | 0 |
40040 | black_line_correction | IsBlackLinesCorrection | TIFF_SLONG | Boolean | 1 | 0,1 | Boolean: Has the correction of black lines been done by the Sat receiver (1=yes) | 0 |
40041 | atmosphere_correction | IsAtmosphereCorrected | TIFF_SLONG | Boolean | 1 | 0,1 | Boolean: Has the correction for the atmosphere been done (1=yes) | 0 |
40042 | calibration | IsCalibrated | TIFF_SLONG | Boolean | 1 | 0,1 | Boolean: Image is calibrated (1=yes) | 0 |
40043 | normalisation | IsNormalized | TIFF_SLONG | Boolean | 1 | 0,1 | Boolean: Has the correction of VIS image been done concerning the position of the sun (1=yes) | 0 |
40044 | original_header | OriginalHeader | TIFF_ASCII | String | 256 | String | Original header of the Satellite receiver | 0 |
40045 | value_table_set | IsValueTableAvailable | TIFF_SLONG | int | 0,1,2 | Is a valuetable available? 0: no data 1: float 2: string | 0 | |
40046 | value_table_string | ValueTableStringField | TIFF_ASCII | String[] | String | String values (e.g. „Cirrus“) or null for each grey value, separated by semicolon ";" | 0 | |
40047 | value_table_float | ValueTableFloatField | TIFF_FLOAT | float[] | float | Float values (e.g. „-15.0“) or Float.NaN for each grey value. | 0 |
Meaning of the “mandatory” column:
This section lists some freely available tools to display and manipulate GeoTIFF files.
tiffinfo file.tif
or tiffdump file.tif
to dump TIFF metadata and to check if the NinJo tags are present
listgeo file.tiff
to print the georeferencing information of a GeoTIFF file
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is a file format for raster graphic files which supports different color depths, alpha (= transparency) channels and lossless compression. See the Wikipedia article “Portable Network Graphics” for an introduction and RFC 2083 for the full technical specification.
NinJo needs meta data to correctly georeference the image, assign satellite and product name, and so on. The PNG format allows for “text chunks” to be embedded in the image file. NinJo expects chunks tEXt
or zTXt
(Latin-1 encoded uncompressed or compressed) to be present with a Comment
entry. The meta data is represented as key-value pairs in plain text format in a Comment entry.
See table Tags for PNG and JPEG files for a description of tag key names and values.
For 8-bit single-channel (grayscale) images it is possible to include a colortable mapping gray values to RGB colors and optionally a value table mapping the gray values to numbers or description texts inside the file. See section Embedded color and value tables. Alternatively a color table can also be provided as external configuration, see section External Color Table.
JPEG is a file format for raster graphic files with an effective, lossy compression and selectable compression-quality balance. See the Wikipedia article “JPEG” for an introduction and the JPEG Standard (JPEG ISO/IEC 10918-1 ITU-T Recommendation T.81) for the full technical specification.
NinJo needs meta data to correctly georeference the image, assign satellite and product name, and so on. The JPEG format allows for a free text comment to be embedded in the image file. The meta data is represented as key-value pairs in plain text format in the Comment entry.
See table Tags for PNG and JPEG files for a description of tag key names and values.
For 8-bit single-channel (grayscale) images it is possible to include a colortable mapping gray values to RGB colors and optionally a value table mapping the gray values to numbers or description texts inside the file. See section Embedded color and value tables. Alternatively a color table can also be provided as external configuration, see section External Color Table.
The format of the meta data comment is to combine each key and value with an equals sign between them in the format key=value
. All key-value-pairs are concatenated in to a long string separated by semicolons in the format key1=value1;key2=value2
Full example of a meta data comment entry:
Key ID | Type | Values | Description | Mandatory | TIFF Tag |
VERSION | unsigned integer | 1 | Header format version, currently 1 | x | |
PIF_C | unsigned integer | > 0 | Number of columns, image width | x | |
PIF_L | unsigned integer | > 0 | Number of lines, image height | x | |
NINJO_SAT_NAME_ID | unsigned long | See table Satellite Name IDs | ID number of the satellite | x | 40001 |
NINJO_CHANNEL_ID | unsigned long | See table Satellite Product IDs | ID number of the channel/product | x | 40004 |
TOP_LEFT_CORNER_LAT | float | 1/1000th degrees, -90000—90000 | Latitude of the top left corner of the image | x | 33922 (model tie point) |
TOP_LEFT_CORNER_LON | float | 1/1000th degrees, -180000—180000 | Longitude of the top left corner of the image | x | 33922 (model tie point) |
BOT_RIGHT_CORNER_LAT | float | 1/1000th degrees, -90000—90000 | Latitude of the bottom right corner of the image | x | 33550 (model pixel scale) |
BOT_RIGHT_CORNER_LON | float | 1/1000th degrees, -180000—180000 | Longitude of the top left corner of the image | x | 33550 (model pixel scale) |
PIF_NAV_FUNC | unsigned integer | 38 = Equirectangular projection (“Plate Carrée”) 40 = Polar Stereographic North 41 = Polar Stereographic South |
Projection type | x | 40015 |
NAV_GOFF_LAT | float | 1/1000th degrees | Reference latitude | 4 | 40021 |
NAV_GOFF_LON | float | 1/1000th degrees | Reference longitude, central meridian | 4 | 40023 |
PIF_SRC_YEAR | unsigned integer | 4 digits including century | Year of the reference date | x | 40002 |
PIF_SRC_DAY | unsigned integer | 1—366 | Day of the year of the reference date | x | 40002 |
PIF_HOUR_MINUTE | unsigned integer | 0—2359 | Hour and minute of the reference date in the format hours × 100 + minutes |
x | 40002 |
PIF_DAT_F | unsigned integer | 0 = Albedo 10 = Temperature 12 = Temperature |
Physical element | 5 | 40024 |
COLORTABLE | int[768] | See Embedded color and value tables | Color table for 8-bit images | 6 | |
VALUETABLE_FLOAT | float[256] | See Embedded color and value tables | Number value table | 6 | 40046 |
VALUETABLE_STRING | String[256] | See Embedded color and value tables | String value table | 6 | 40047 |
Meaning of the “mandatory” column:
For 8-bit single-channel (grayscale) images it is possible to include inside the file meta data a colortable, which maps gray values to RGB colors, and optionally a value table, which maps the gray values to numbers or description texts.
To embed a color table inside the image, the tag COLORTABLE
must be set. It maps each grayscale value 0–255 to a red-green-blue triplet. The tag must contain exactly 768 unsigned numbers in the range 0–255 separated by commas ",". The first 256 values are the red values, the next 256 one the green values and the last 256 ones the blue values. I.e. the format is COLORTABLE=r₀,r₁,…,r₂₅₅,g₀,g₁,…,g₂₅₅,b₀,b₁,…,b₂₅₅
To embed a value table with numbers inside the image, the tags COLORTABLE
have to be set. VALUETABLE_FLOAT
must contain exactly 256 floating point numbers in text string format separated by commas ",". They map the grayscale values 0–255 to e.g. a physical quantity like temperature. Undefined values can be set by using the value NaN
(“not a number”).
To embed a value table with text identifiers inside the image, the tags COLORTABLE
have to be set. VALUETABLE_STRING
must contain exactly 256 text strings separated by commas ",". They map the grayscale values 0–255 to e.g. categories. The texts can be displayed in the Satellite Layer of the NinJo Client as auxillary information. Undefined values can be set by using the value undef
For 8-bit single channel (grayscale) images it is possible to add a colortable via external configuration. The color table maps gray values to RGBA colors. This mechanism is only available for Product type images.
The color table has to be provided as configuration in context See section Configuring Colors in the Config Manual for general information on color tables. The color table is used to map values 0–255 (without unit) to RGBA values.
The color table is selected based on the Satellite Name ID and the Satellite Product ID. The configuration name has to follow the pattern SatNameID_SatProductID.xml
File name | Sat Name ID | Sat Name | Product ID | Product Name |
7000014_1700015.xml | 7000014 | NWCSAF Central Europe | 1700015 | Cloud type |
6900014_1800015.xml | 6900014 | NWCSAF Europe/Atlantic | 1800015 | Cloud cover |
ID | Name |
100013 | Geostationary |
200013 | Polar Orbiting |
300013 | Product |
ID | Name |
100014 | METEOSAT 1 |
200014 | METEOSAT 2 |
300014 | METEOSAT 3 |
400014 | METEOSAT 4 |
500014 | METEOSAT 5 |
600014 | METEOSAT 6 |
700014 | METEOSAT 7 |
800014 | METEOSAT 8 |
900014 | METEOSAT 9 |
1000014 | IODC |
1100014 | GOES 11 |
1200014 | GOES 12 |
1300014 | GMS |
1400014 | NOAA 1 |
1500014 | NOAA 2 |
1600014 | NOAA 3 |
1700014 | NOAA 4 |
1800014 | NOAA 5 |
1900014 | NOAA 6 |
2000014 | NOAA 7 |
2100014 | NOAA 8 |
2200014 | NOAA 9 |
2300014 | NOAA 10 |
2400014 | NOAA 11 |
2500014 | NOAA 12 |
2600014 | NOAA 14 |
2700014 | NOAA 15 |
2800014 | NOAA 16 |
2900014 | NOAA 17 |
3000014 | NOAA 18 |
3100014 | FENGYUN 1C |
3200014 | FENGYUN 1D |
3300014 | FENGYUN 1E |
3400014 | MODIS terra |
3500014 | MODIS aqua |
3600014 | EPS 1 |
3700014 | METEOSAT 8 EU |
3800014 | METEOSAT 8 CEUR |
3900014 | METEOSAT 9 EU |
4000014 | METEOSAT 9 CEU |
4100014 | METEOSAT 8 WORLD |
4200014 | METEOSAT 9 WORLD |
4300014 | GOES 12 WORLD75W |
4400014 | GOES 11 WORLD135W |
4500014 | MTSAT1R WORLD140W |
4600014 | METEOSAT 8 AFRICA |
4700014 | METEOSAT 8 SAFRICA |
4800014 | METEOSAT 9 AFRICA |
4900014 | METEOSAT 9 SAFRICA |
5000014 | METEOSAT 7 WORLD |
5100014 | NOWCMSG EU |
5200014 | NOWCMSG CEUR |
5300014 | NOWCPOLAR EU |
5400014 | NOWCPOLAR CEUR |
5500014 | MPEF EU |
5600014 | MPEF CEUR |
5700014 | MPEF WORLD |
5800014 | MET 8 NCI EU |
5900014 | MET 8 NCI CEU |
6000014 | MET 9 NCI EU |
6100014 | MET 9 NCI CEU |
6200014 | METEOSAT Africa/Europe |
6300014 | METEOSAT Europe/Atlantic |
6400014 | METEOSAT Europe (Central) |
6500014 | METEOSAT RSS Africa/Europe |
6600014 | METEOSAT RSS Europe/Atlantic |
6700014 | METEOSAT RSS Europe (Central) |
6800014 | NOWCASTING NWCSAF Africa/Europe |
6900014 | NOWCASTING NWCSAF Europe/Atlantic |
7000014 | NOWCASTING NWCSAF Europe (Central) |
7100014 | IODC Indic Ocean |
7200014 | GOESW Pacific |
7300014 | GOESE America |
7400014 | MTSAT Asia |
7500014 | MPEF Africa/Europe |
7600014 | MPEF Europe/Atlantic |
7700014 | MPEF Europe (Central) |
7800014 | POLAR Europe/Atlantic |
7900014 | POLAR Europe (Central) |
8000014 | POLAR Germany |
8100014 | POLAR Arctic |
8200014 | POLAR Antarctic |
8300014 | POLAR Denmark |
8400014 | NOAA 19 |
8500014 | Ocean & Sea Ice Satellite Applicatino Facility |
8600014 | Suomi-NPP |
8700014 | Meteosat 10 |
8800014 | POLAR Greenland (DMI) |
9000014 | METEOSAT 2/Europe (SAF) |
9100014 | METEOSAT 2/Africa (SAF) |
9500014 | NWCSAF Spain (Peninsula) (AEMET) |
9600014 | NWCSAF Spain (Canarias) (AEMET) |
ID | Name |
100015 | VIS 0.6 |
200015 | VIS 0.8 |
300015 | IR 1.6 |
400015 | IR 3.9 |
500015 | WV 6.2 |
600015 | WV 7.3 |
700015 | IR 8.7 |
800015 | IR 9.7 |
900015 | IR 10.8 |
1000015 | IR 12.0 |
1100015 | IR 13.4 |
1200015 | HRV |
1300015 | Infrared |
1400015 | Visible |
1500015 | Water Vapor |
1600015 | IR 3.7 |
1700015 | Cloud type |
1800015 | Cloud cover |
1900015 | Cloud top height |
2000015 | Cloud top temperature |
2100015 | Precipitating clouds: light to moderate |
2200015 | Precipitating clouds: strong |
2300015 | Convective rain rate |
2400015 | Total precipitable water |
2500015 | Layer precipitable water (upper layer) |
2600015 | Layer precipitable water (mid layer) |
2700015 | Layer precipitable water (low layer) |
2800015 | Stability analysis imagery |
2900015 | Airmass analysis |
3000015 | Cloud Contur Plot |
3100015 | Cloud Development Mask |
3200015 | Extrapolated Images |
3300015 | Icing Conditions |
3400015 | Snow Cover Analysis |
3500015 | Vegetation Cover Analysis |
3600015 | Satellite Weather |
3700015 | Precipitating Clouds |
3800015 | Vegetation Index |
3900015 | IR 3.9 thermic |
4000015 | IR 3.9 visible |
4100015 | IR 3.7 MODIS |
4200015 | IR 3.9 MODIS |
4300015 | IR 11.0 MODIS |
4400015 | IR 12.0 MODIS |
4500015 | VIS 0.4 MODIS |
4600015 | VIS 0.5 MODIS |
4700015 | VIS 0.6 MODIS |
4800015 | VIS 0.8 MODIS |
4900015 | VIS 0.12 MODIS |
5000015 | VIS 0.16 MODIS |
5100015 | MPEF Cloud Amount |
5200015 | MPEF Cloud Mask |
5300015 | MPEF Fire Index |
5400015 | MPEF Multisensor Precipitation Index |
5500015 | Airmass (Red Channel) |
5600015 | Airmass (Green Channel) |
5700015 | Airmass (Blue Channel) |
5800015 | Dust (Red Channel) |
5900015 | Dust (Green Channel) |
6000015 | Dust (Blue Channel) |
6100015 | Convection (Red Channel) |
6200015 | Convection (Green Channel) |
6300015 | Convection (Blue Channel) |
6400015 | MPEF Cloud Top Height |
6500015 | Airmass (RGB) |
6600015 | Dust (RGB) |
6700015 | Convection (RGB) |
6800015 | N.N |
6900015 | N.N |
7000015 | VIS |
7100015 | NIR 3u |
7200015 | WV 6u |
7300015 | IR 10u |
7400015 | FIR 12u |
7500015 | CO2 13u |
7600015 | Fog |
7700015 | Cloud Type |
7800015 | Volcanic Ash Product |
7900015 | COALITION |
8000015 | Microphysics (RGB) |
8100015 | Cloud-Snow (RGB) |
8200015 | Stratus-Fog (RGB) |
8300015 | Green Snow 2 |
8400015 | HR Overview |
8500015 | Molntopp |
8600015 | Molntopp 2 |
8700015 | Overview |
8800015 | Overview 2 |
8900015 | Ice Concentration |
9000015 | Ice Edges |
9100015 | Ice Types |
9200015 | Cloud cover Day(HRV)/Night(IR10.8) |
9300015 | Sea Surface Temperature |
9400015 | Cloud Top |
9500015 | CTTH |
9600015 | Green Snow |
9700015 | Convective Initiation |
9800015 | RGB_Day(HRV)-and-Night(IR) |
9900015 | RGB_Clouds at Day-and-Night |
10000015 | VIS006P |
10100015 | VIS007P |
10200015 | VIS008P |
10300015 | VIS009P |
10400015 | NIR016P |
10500015 | IR016P |
10600015 | IR039P |
10700015 | WV062P |
10800015 | WV064P |
10900015 | WV066P |
11000015 | WV068P |
11100015 | WV073P |
11200015 | IR087P |
11300015 | IR097P |
11400015 | IR107P |
11500015 | IR108P |
11600015 | IR115P |
11700015 | IR120P |
11800015 | IR134P |
11900015 | HRVP |
12000015 | IRP |
12100015 | VISP |
12200015 | VIS006E |
12300015 | VIS007E |
12400015 | VIS008E |
12500015 | VIS009E |
12600015 | NIR016E |
12700015 | IR016E |
12800015 | IR039E |
12900015 | WV062E |
13000015 | WV064E |
13100015 | WV066E |
13200015 | WV068E |
13300015 | WV073E |
13400015 | IR087E |
13500015 | IR097E |
13600015 | IR107E |
13700015 | IR108E |
13800015 | IR115E |
13900015 | IR120E |
14000015 | IR134E |
14100015 | HRVE |
14200015 | IRE |
14300015 | VISE |
14400015 | VIS0.412 VIIRS |
14500015 | VIS 0.445 VIIRS |
14600015 | VIS 0.488 VIIRS |
14700015 | VIS 0.555 VIIRS |
14800015 | VIS 0.640 VIIRS |
14900015 | VIS 0.672 VIIRS |
15000015 | VIS 0.746 VIIRS |
15100015 | VIS 0.865 VIIRS |
15200015 | DNB VIIRS |
15300015 | VIS 1.24 VIIRS |
15400015 | VIS 1.38 VIIRS |
15500015 | VIS 1.61 VIIRS |
15600015 | IR 3.70 VIIRS |
15700015 | IR 3.74 VIIRS |
15800015 | IR 4.05 VIIRS |
15900015 | IR 8.55 VIIRS |
16000015 | IR 10.76 VIIRS |
16100015 | IR 11.45 VIIRS |
16200015 | IR 12.01 VIIRS |
16300015 | RadNowcast |
17000015 | CI IF 1: 15-min 10.8 cooling |
17100015 | CI IF 2: 30-min 10.8 cooling |
17200015 | CI IF 3: 10.8 BT |
17300015 | CI IF 4: 6.2-7.3 |
17400015 | CI IF 5: 6.2-10.8 |
17500015 | CI IF 6: 8.7-10.8 |
17600015 | CI IF 7: 15-min 8.7-10.8 |
17700015 | CI IF 8: (8.7-10.8)-(10.8-12.0) |
17800015 | CI IF 9: 15-min 6.2-7.3 |
17900015 | CI IF 10: 30-min 6.2-7.3 |
18000015 | cloud mask IR |
18100015 | cloud mask VIS |
18200015 | cloud mask IR/VIS |