Compiling and Running VisAD Using NexusRMI 1. Introduction You can compile and run VisAD using NexusRMI, an alternate implementation of RMI (Java's distributed object technology) based on the Nexus high-performance communication system. NexusRMI was written by Fabian Breg and Dennis Gannon of Indiana University and is available from: 2. Compiling VisAD Using NexusRMI You'll need to unpack all of Java's class library Jar files into a directory in your CLASSPATH. These Jar files include: jre/lib/ext/iiimp.jar jre/lib/i18n.jar jre/lib/rt.jar lib/tools.jar lib/dt.jar and if you're using Java3D: jre/lib/ext/vecmath.jar jre/lib/ext/j3dcore.jar jre/lib/ext/j3daudio.jar jre/lib/ext/j3dutils.jar This is necessary for the nexusrmic compiler to be able to find the Java classes. Then run the following commands in your visad directory: make tonexus make nexusrmi_compile The first make command replaces all imports of 'java.rmi' with 'nexusrmi' in the VisAD source code. The second make command compiles VisAD, substituting the nexusrmic compiler for the rmic compiler. Note you can change the 'nexusrmi' imports back to 'java.rmi' by running: make tojava This lets you compile using the standard Java implementation of RMI. 3. Running VisAD Using NexusRMI Start nexusrmiregistry (the NexusRMI alternative to rmiregistry). Then just run your VisAD applications.