The classes in the visad.browser package compile under JDK 1.1 for use in web browsers. They enable client applets to connect to VisAD DisplayImpls running on the same computer that served the applet. To test and demonstrate this, we provide a sample server in visad/examples/, a sample client applet in visad/browser/, and a sample web page in socket_applet.html. To start the server, change to the visad/examples directory and run: java Test68 On the same machine, install socket_applet.html in the htdocs directory for the machine's web server, and copy the *.class files from visad/browser directory to the htdocs/visad/browser directory. On the client machine where you will run your web browser, you must make sure that the classes in visad/browser are not available via your CLASSPATH. You can do this by either using a machine where VisAD is not installed or setting CLASSPATH to blank. If you are using Internet Explorer for web browing, simply aim it at socket_applet.html on your server machine. When the applet comes up, substitute the IP name of the server for localhost, and click on 'Connect'. If you using Netscape for web browsing, you must first add the following line: user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true); to your ~/.netscape/preferences.js file. Then aim netscape at socket_applet.html on your server machine and proceed as described above.