Training Sessions

The VISIT Program

VISIT People


Links / Tutorials


Last Updated by:
Tom Whittaker
Decemter 15th, 2001

How to View
Recorded VISIT Lessons and Presentations

(updated 8/4/2004)

On this page, we give you instructions for obtaining and playing back VISITview-based lessons and presentations. The instructors have recorded these lessons so you may gain many of the benefits of the teletraining sessions, even though you could not participate in them.

At the end of the page are links to a few examples (including presentations). Note: the complete list of sanctioned lessons is available only through the main VISIT Training Sessions page. Please go there to get supported lesson materials for all VISIT training. The purpose of this page is to provide information on how to playback the recorded sessions, and to provide a few examples of the technology.

What you need

To watch and listen to these sessions, you will need the computer that has a sound card with speakers attached, or headphones. (If you start the session and no audio is heard, be sure that the speaker volume is high enough and that the speakers are not muted.) It is easiest to use a Windows-based machine, if possible.

How to use the recorded audio session

  • For each session you want to watch, you need to download one of the files for the session. As you can see from the list above, most sessions are available in two types of files:
    1. For Windows-based machines you should download the Installer file that installs the session and provides you with a folder in your Start Menu with the shortcuts to run the session startup.
    2. For other systems, (or if you cannot use the Installer above) you must first install the Java Runtime Environment for your operating system. Get the ZIP archive with the desired session in it, and unzip it's contents into a new directory. You will then need edit to the visitauto.bat file to invoke the java virtual machine (named 'jre' or 'java'), before running it.
  • After you install the session do one of the following:
    • If you are running Windows and installed the session using the Windows Installer, then just click on the shortcut (by default, this is intalled in your Start Menu -> Programs -> (name of session) folder).
    • If you are running Windows, but installed from the ZIP archive (or the self-extracting version of the session), then just run the visitauto.bat file which is located in the session's directory.
    • or, if you are not running Windows and installed the session from a ZIP archive, edit and run the visitauto.bat file in the session directory. (See information above about first installing the Java Runtime for your non-Windows system.)
  • After the two windows come up, move the little control window and then click it's Next button
  • "Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show..."

A few examples of recorded VISIT Lessons and Presentations

Here we present just a couple of examples. The complete list of recorded sessions is availble under the VISIT Teletraining Student Guide -- look for the microphone icons

Some lessons can be played right through your browser, as well. For example (just clikc the links):

More Info?

Please go to the VISITview Home Page.

This work is supported by NOAA through CIMSS, CIRA, and COMET,