Links of Potential Interest
Suomi-NPP links:
Atmosphere Science Investigator-led Processing System (SIPS): Web site that provides imagery quicklooks, data access, tools, validation, and more.
NASA S-NPP Atmosphere Team: provides a current list of investigations, proposal abstracts, and VIIRS basics. This site will expand over time.
MODIS links:
MODIS Web Page: General information about the Aqua/Terra MODIS sensors and products
MODIS Atmospheres Website: Reference site for the MODIS Atmosphere Team that provides information about the products, imagery, tools, and references.
LAADS Web: MODIS Level 1 and Atmosphere Archive and Distribution System
MODIS Rapid Response site: imagery (true and false color) from both Terra and Aqua from 2002 to present
MODIS Aerosol Retrieval Dark Target Algorithm: Provides a wealth of information about the MODIS/VIIRS dark target algorithm, validation effort, and products.
AVHRR Links:
AVHRR Pathfinder-Atmospheres - Extended (PATMOS-x): Based on theAVHRR Global Area Coverage (GAC; 4-km spatial resolution) imager data from 1981 to present. The PATMOS-x record is of multiple cloud, aerosol, surface, and radiometric products on the same grid (0.5˚ equal angle), using a common processing path.
Bryan Baum's links of interest:
PyroCumulonimbus (PyroCb) blog: This blog began in 2013 to keep track of extremely severe pyroconvection events around the world. The events of intense interest are those in which the pyroconvection punches up into the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UT/LS). What happens when this intense smoke reaches the UT/LS, often interacting with ice clouds already present in the UT, and subsequently moves thousands of kilometers over the course of days?
Ice cloud bulk scattering models: Provides access to models at each of 445 discrete wavelengths ranging from 0.2 µm to 100 µm, both with and without the full phase matrix. Individual sets of spectral models are provided based on (a) solid columns only, (b) the aggregate of solid columns only, and (c) a general habit mixture that employs nine ice habits (droxtals, plates, solid/hollow columns, solid/hollow bullet rosettes, small/large aggregate of plates and an aggregate of columns). These models are based on randomly oriented particle calculations for severely roughened ice particles. This was a great project; got to work closely with my close friends and colleagues Ping Yang (Texas A&M University) and Andy Heymsfield (NCAR).
Baum's publications: accumulated over way too many years of satellite remote sensing...