June 2011

GOES-R Aviation/Nowcasting Applications Seminar Held at Environment Canada

Wayne Feltz (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies) gave a seminar titled "GOES-R Overview of Aviation and Nowcasting Applications: Current Status and a Look into Future" on 28-29 April 2011 at Environment Canada's headquarters in Toronto (hosted by Ismail Gultepe) and at the Canadian Meteorological Centre in Montreal (hosted by Louis Garand).

The presentation covered new research developments regarding the use of infrared radiances to provide information on detection of turbulence, convective initiation, convective overshooting, volcanic ash, and low cloud/fog. The seminars were very well attended and provided additional justification for Canada to continue pursuing the new Polar Communication and Weather (PCW) satellite mission, a highly elliptical orbit that would provide "pseudo-geostationary" coverage of the Arctic.


The highly elliptical orbit that will be used by the PCW mission.

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