Brad Pierce on GEO-CAPE SWG and ARSET Panel
Brad Pierce has been asked to Co-Chair the Air Quality Standards and Processes Science Working Group (SWG) for the NASA Geostationary Coastal and Air Pollution Events (GEO-CAPE) satellite. GEO-CAPE is a National Research Council recommended mission identified in "Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the Next Decade and Beyond" that will provide information for air-quality assessment, forecasting and model validation to support air-program management and public health.
The SWGs are responsible for preparation for the GEO-CAPE Mission Concept Review (MCR) tentatively scheduled for Fall 2013. The Air Quality Standards and Processes SWG activities will focus on design and execution of chemical Observation System Simulation Experiments (OSSE) designed to demonstrate the impact of GEO-CAPE trace gas measurements on Air Quality forecasts.
In addition, Brad Pierce was asked to serve as a member of the advisory panel for NASA’s Applied Remote Sensing and Training Program (ARSET). The mission of the ARSET program is to provide education and training to facilitate the use of remote sensing data for air quality applications. The advisory group is composed of university, industry, and federal scientists with expertise in remote sensing capabilities and the needs of the end user community. The purpose of the advisory group is to keep ARSET up to date on research topics and remote sensing capabilities relevant to air quality applications and encourage interactions among remote sensing experts and end-users.