April 2011

Duluth NWS Using SSEC MidWest Winter Road Conditions (WRC) Composite

In cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WiDOT), the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) is producing a real-time display of winter road conditions for states in the upper Midwest. This display blends reports from seven independent state agencies to produce a unique view of interstate highway system.

The product is generated every 10 minutes by sampling road status reports from DOT websites and rendering the data as a unified image. This technique offers an overview of the road status independent of state boundaries. The product is is intended for cross platform independence and low band width access, offering the general public an alternate source of road conditions. Additionally, the segment set may be viewed as an overlay on various satellite and radar imagery.

The Winter Road Conditions (WRC) product is part of the Personal Advanced Weather system (PAW). The PAW product suite offers general public access to real-time weather imagery formatted for display on mobile platforms. Products offer unique access to advanced displays enhanced using the latest research conducted at the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) and SSEC.

Recently, the Duluth, MN, National Weather Service (NWS) added a link to the WRC product.

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