About McIDAS McIDAS-V | ||||
New AREA Format InformationCopyright 1996 Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
University of Wisconsin - Madison All Rights Reserved Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this document, provided the copyright notice and this permission are preserved on all copies. SSEC makes no warranty of any kind with regard to the software or accompanying documentation, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. SSEC does not indemnify any infringement of copyright, patent, or trademark through use or modification of this software. Mention of any commercial company or product in this document does not constitute an endorsement by SSEC. Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this document, and SSEC was aware of the trademark claim, the designations are printed in caps or initial caps. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Considerable effort has been expended to make this document accurate and complete, but SSEC cannot assume responsibility for inaccuracies, omissions, manufacturers' claims or their representations. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Storing Satellite Imagery in McIDAS Data Structures February 1997 Space Science and Engineering Center University of Wisconsin - Madison 1225 West Dayton Street Madison, WI 53706 Additional signal transmission reference materials: METEOSAT High Resolution Image Dissemination, 1992, EUMETSAT. Operations Ground Equipment, Internal Specification, DRL 504-02-1 Part 1, Specification No E007020, released February 9, 1994, Space Systems/Loral, 3825 Fabian Way, Palo Alto, CA, 94303-4604. Introduction Satellite imagery is collected by instruments on geostationary or earth orbiting satellites. These instruments make a series of parallel scans over a section of the earth. Ingestors collect and store the scanned data in area files. In addition to the image data, area files include information about the image's geography and physical characteristics, and modifications to the data. This document describes the structure of McIDAS area files and how image data is stored and accessed. Since this is a only a reference document, no information is provided about how to manipulate data in the structures described. If you plan to build area structures, it is important that you are familiar with the data structure formats described here and the signal transmission formats described in the reference documents on page 2. Currently, this document contains information about METEOSAT PDUS, GVAR and GOES-7 data structure formats only. Future revisions will include other satellites. This document includes the following information: a description of McIDAS area file components including the Area Directory and image data descriptions of area file characteristics specific to METEOSAT, GVAR and GOES-7 satellites Area File Description In McIDAS, satellite imagery data and supplemental information are stored on disk in data structures called areas. Each area is a binary file containing all the information necessary to display and navigate the image. Area files are named AREAnnnn, where nnnn is a four- digit number between 0000 and 9999. This number is referred to as the area file number. For example, AREA0013 is the name of the file that contains area 13. Complete images are often too large to be stored completely in an area file. An area may be a geographic portion of the image or a subset produced by sampling or averaging the image data. Any point in the area can be described with image coordinates, its position in the full satellite image, or with area coordinates, its position in the area or subset of the image. Area files consists of six sections, or blocks: The Area Directory block describes the area data and the image from which the area was created. It also contains pointers used for locating other blocks and data in the file. The Auxiliary (AUX) block contains information created by the user such as histograms or long comments. The Navigation (NAV) block contains information used to associate earth coordinates with the image pixels. The Calibration (CAL) block contains information that relates sensor data to meaningful physical units such as temperature, albedo or visible brightness. The Digital Data (DATA) block contains the actual data values for the image. The Comment Records (AUDIT) block documents modifications to the file data. Area Directory Block The first 256 bytes of every area file are the Area Directory block for the image. The Area Directory describes the kind of data in the area and contains pointers used for locating the remaining blocks and other subsets of data in the file. It also contains information about the image from which the area was created. The data in the Area Directory is stored as 32-bit (4-byte) twos complement binary integers or as ASCII character data. The directory is divided in 64 words. Each word is described below. Some words are satellite specific. See the next section for specific satellites. All byte offsets are zero-based. Word Description W1 contains zeros if the record is valid W2 area format: always 4 (as of June 1985) W3 sensor source number; see Appendix A W4 nominal start date; scheduled date for image data collection; YYDDD W5 nominal start time; scheduled time for image data collection; HHMMSS UTC W6 image line coordinate of area line 0, element 0 W7 image element coordinate of area line 0, element 0 W8 not used W9 number of lines in the area W10 number of elements in each line W11 number of bytes per element (1, 2 or 4) W12 line resolution; number of image lines between consecutive area lines W13 element resolution; number of image elements between consecutive area elements W14 maximum number of bands per line of the area W15 length of the DATA block line prefix, in bytes; sum of W49, W50, W51 (+ 4 if W36 validity code is present) W16 McIDAS user project number under which the area was created W17 actual ingest date; date the area was created; provided by the ingesting computer; YYDDD W18 actual ingest time; time the area was created; provided by the ingesting computer; HHMMSS W19 32-bit filter band map for multichannel images; if a bit is set, data exists for the band; band 1 is the least significant byte (rightmost) W20-24 satellite specific information W25-32 memo; 32 ASCII characters available for comments W33 area file number; last four digits of the file name W34 byte offset to the start of the area file's DATA block W35 byte offset to the start of the area file's NAV block W36 validity code; contains zeros if this area does not have validity codes; if these bytes are non- zero, they must match the first four bytes of each DATA block line prefix or the line's data is ignored; this word is usually constructed from the date and time of the Area Directory creation; DDDHHMMSS W37-45 satellite specific W46 actual image start date; date the ingestor begins receiving image data; YYDDD W47 actual image start time; time the ingestor begins receiving image data; HHMMSS W48 actual starting scan line; the first scan line received by the ingestor W49 length of the DATA block line prefix documentation region, in bytes W50 length of the DATA block line prefix calibration region, in bytes W51 length of the DATA block line prefix level map region, in bytes W52 image source type; for example, VISR, VAS, AAA, ERBE, AVHR W53 calibration type; units in which the digital data is stored; for example, RAW, TEMP, BRIT W54-59 internal use only; initialized to 0 W60 byte offset to the beginning of the area file's AUX block W61 length of the area file's AUX block, in bytes W62 not used W63 byte offset to the beginning of the area file's CAL block W64 number of comment records in the area file's AUDIT block Auxiliary (AUX) Block This block contains information like histograms or long comments created by the user to describe or explain the area data. Word 60 of the Area Directory contains the number of bytes from the beginning of the area file to the beginning of the AUX block. Word 61 contains the total number of bytes in the block. If the area file does not contain an AUX block, Words 60 and 61 are both zero. Ordinarily, when an image is first ingested there is no AUX block in the area file. Navigation (NAV) Block This block contains the navigation data for the image. This information is used to associate earth coordinates, usually latitude and longitude, with the pixels of the image. Word 35 of the Area Directory contains the number of bytes from the beginning of the area file to the beginning of the NAV block. If there is no navigation for the image, Word 35 is zero. The NAV block's last byte is the byte before the CAL block, pointed to in Area Directory Word 63. If Word 63 is zero, the NAV block's last byte is the byte before the DATA block, pointed to in Word 34. The navigation block format varies with each satellite. See the next section for specific satellites. Calibration (CAL) Block This block contains the calibration data for the image. It is present in the area file if the data must be calibrated before it can be displayed. Calibration data is used to relate the sensor data to meaningful physical units such as temperature, albedo and visible brightness. Word 63 of the Area Directory contains the number of bytes from the beginning of the area file to the beginning of the CAL block. If the area file does not contain a CAL block, Word 63 is zero. The CAL block's last byte is the byte before the DATA block, pointed to in Area Directory Word 34. The calibration block format varies with each satellite. See the next section for specific satellites. Digital Data (DATA) Block This block contains the actual data values for the image. These values are stored in the area file in a series of lines and elements. Coordinate Systems Any point in an area can be described with image coordinates, its position in the full satellite image, or with area coordinates, its position in the area or subset of the image. Regardless of the source, a satellite image is a sequence of lines numbered from top to bottom. Each line is a sequence of elements numbered across the line from left to right. This line/element numbering scheme determines the coordinates for each element, called the image coordinates. The top line and leftmost element have image coordinates (1,1). This coordinate system is defined only by the satellite/camera combination and is independent of how the data is stored. The data stored in an area file is also arranged in a sequence of lines and elements, like the image from which it was created. The line/element pair determines the coordinates for the elements in the area, called the area coordinates. The top line and leftmost element have area coordinates (0,0). If entire satellite images could be stored in a single area, there would be no point in distinguishing between image and area coordinates. However, images are usually too large to process efficiently in their entirety. For example, a GOES VISSR image in the visible-light band contains 14568 lines with 15288 elements per line. This image requires over 200 megabytes of storage. The data actually stored in an area file is a subset of the image. An area may be a geographic portion of an image, the USA taken from a global image for example. Resolution An area file may be produced from an image by sampling or averaging the data. In the case of multiband images, an area may include only a portion of the measured spectral bands, so that each element contains fewer data values than are contained in the original image. To map an area back to the original image the following formulas are used: Image Line = UpperLeftLine + (Area Line * LineResolution) Image Element = UpperLeftEle + (Area Element * ElementResolution) UpperLeftLine is the image line coordinate of the first area line. UpperLeftEle is the image element coordinate of the first area element. When LineResolution and ElementResolution are both 1, the area is said to be at Resolution 1 or Full Visible Resolution. If the area is at Resolution 4, every fourth line and element of an image originally at Resolution 1 are included in the area. Resolutions are relative to full resolution. The coverage of a pixel at full resolution will vary with each satellite. Data Structure The DATA block may be viewed as a continuous stream of bytes numbered from zero. The area data is arranged line after line, first to last. If a line of data is missing, the corresponding place in the data file must be either filled with zeros or flagged using non-matching validity codes. line prefix 1 line data 1 line prefix 2 line data 2 etc |_____________|___________|_____________|___________|___... 0 byte numbers increase >> Figure 1. Area File DATA Block Structure Each line is divided into two parts: the line prefix and the actual line data (image elements). See Figure 1 below. The line prefix contains documentation about the image and the particular line. Although the size and content of the line prefix depend on the image source type defined in Area Directory Word 52, each line in an area has the same prefix length. Area Directory Word 15 contains the length of the prefix, in bytes. If no line prefix exists, Word 15 is zero. The line prefix may contain any of the following regions. The lengths of these regions, when present, are multiples of four bytes. validity code documentation calibration level map If present, the validity code is the first four bytes of the line prefix. When this code is present, Area Directory Word 36 contains a non-zero value. If the line prefix's validity code does not match the value in Word 36, the line is invalid and is ignored. The documentation region contains information specific to a particular satellite line (such as the VISSR IR documentation). Area Directory Word 49 contains the region's length, in bytes. The calibration region contains a set of calibration coefficients for each band in the line. For example, AAA Sounder images contain 13 bands per line, each with 8 bytes of calibration information. With an additional 12 bytes of information, an AAA Sounder calibration region has 116 bytes. Calibration regions in a line prefix are useful when coefficients change for individual bands during the course of a transmission. Area Directory Word 50 contains the region's length, in bytes. The level map region contains a 1-byte entry for each band/channel in the line. These are only meaningful if they are greater than zero. For an image containing a single band, the level map region is optional; for multiband areas, it must be present. Area Directory Word 51 contains the region's length, in bytes. validity code documentation calibration level map |______________|_______________|_____________|___________| 0 byte numbers increase >> Figure 2. Area Line Prefix Structure Calculating Prefix, Line, and DATA Block Sizes Area Directory Word 34 contains the number of bytes from the beginning of the area file to the beginning of the DATA block. Each line in an area has the same length. This length is a multiple of four bytes. The length of a line prefix, line data section, or the entire DATA block can be determined from information in the Area Directory. Use the information and the formulas that follow to calculate the sizes. Area Directory Information Word validity code length (valcode) 4 bytes if W36 is not 0, 0 otherwise documentation length (doc) W49 calibration length (cal) W50 level map length (level) W51 number of bands per line (nbands) W14 number of elements per line (nele) W10 number of bytes per element (nbytes) W11 number of lines in the area (nlines) W9 line prefix length = valcode (0 or 4) + doc + cal + level line data section length = nbands*nele*nbytes line length = line prefix length + line data section length DATA block length = nlines * line length Comment Records (AUDIT) Block Comment records may be included in an area file. These records are usually used to keep an audit trail of modifications made to data in the file. Each comment record is 80 ASCII characters. Area Directory Word 64 contains the number of comment records. Ordinarily, when an image is first ingested there is no AUDIT block in the area file. Satellite Specific Characteristics of McIDAS Area Files Some aspects of McIDAS area files are satellite specific. This section describes characteristics specific to the following satellites: METEOSAT PDUS GVAR IMAGER GVAR BLOCK 11 GVAR SOUNDER GVAR VISSR GOES-7 Future revisions of this document will include other satellites. METEOSAT PDUS Because METEOSAT PDUS images are remapped and calibrated at the ground station before the stretched signal is disseminated, the navigation and calibration data sections are simpler. This data is eight bits and each band is stored in a separate area file. For more information on METEOSAT labels and headers, see the EUMETSAT document METEOSAT High Resolution Image Dissemination. PDUS Area Directory Block Word Value and Description W14 1; each band is stored separately W19 band filter map values: 0 for visible image 128 (eighth bit from right) for IR 512 (tenth bit from right) for WV W22 MIEC absolute calibration band value (IR or WV) from the calibration section of the METEOSAT header; stored as scaled integer xxxxx, value is .xxxxx W23 space count corresponding to calibration value from the calibration section of the METEOSAT header; stored as scaled integer xxx, value is xx.x W24 1 or 2; physical sensor number from the METEOSAT header W37 line offset of the southeast corner of the area in image coordinates; 16-bit value from the METEOSAT header, right justified plus 1 W38 element offset of the southeast corner of the area in image coordinates; 16-bit value from the METEOSAT header, right justified plus 1 W39 satellite center longitude of rectification; 16-bit value from the METEOSAT header and right justified W44 0 W49 24; length of the DATA block line prefix documentation, in bytes W50 0; length of the DATA block line prefix calibration, in bytes W51 0; length of the DATA block line prefix level map, in bytes W52 MSAT; image source type W53 RAW; calibration type W54 0 if data was ingested as sent (full resolution); 1 if data was sampled down (every other pixel); VIS is sent as Resolution 1 in some images and Resolution 2 in others W55 bitmap indicating types of data included in the original image; bits are numbered right to left (least significant to most significant bit) bit 0: 1 if VIS was included in transmission, 0 if not bit 1: 1 if IR was included in transmission, 0 if not bit 2: 1 if WV included in transmission, 0 if not all other bits = 0 PDUS DATA Block Line Prefix Validity code: Optional but recommended to flag missing data. Missing data cannot be simply omitted; it must have zeros as placeholder data or a validity code that does not match the value in Area Directory Word 36. Documentation: 24 bytes. This is a copy of the label that arrives with every subframe. Calibration: 0 bytes. Not used. Level map: 0 bytes. Not used. Each METEOSAT band is stored in a separate area. Line Data Each value is transmitted as eight bits and is stored west to east and north to south in the area, the opposite of how it is transmitted. PDUS NAV Block A PDUS navigation block is divided into 256 words: Word Value and Description W1 MSAT; navigation type W2 Julian day of this navigation, YYDDD W3 time of this navigation, HHMMSS W4 0; reference position for the telescope W5 0; line number corresponding to the telescope reference position W6 1250; center scan line W7 center longitude of rectification (west positive), DDMMSS W8 0; not used W9 0; not used W10 Julian day of this navigation, YYDDD W11-256 0; not used PDUS CAL Block No calibration information is needed for PDUS. GVAR IMAGER The tables mentioned in the line prefix, line data, calibration and navigation descriptions in this section are from Operations Ground Equipment, Internal Specification, DRL 504-02-1 Part 1, Specification No E007020. This document describes data formatted by the ground station and then retransmitted. It is referred to in this document as the OGE. Imager Documentation (Block 0) The GVAR Imager documentation, Block 0, is supplemental control information about an image, not image data. Some of the information is also contained in Imager sensor data. For each line of GVAR Imager sensor data transmitted, one line of Block 0 documentation is transmitted and stored in a separate area. Area Directory Block Word Value and Description W12 8; line resolution W13 1; element resolution W14 1; number of bands W19 1; band number W25-32 ordinarily contains the ASCII string RT IMGR DOC W49 44; length of the DATA block line prefix documentation region, in bytes W50 0; length of the DATA block line prefix calibration region, in bytes W51 0; length of the DATA block line prefix level map region, in bytes W52 GVAR; image source type W53 RAW; calibration type Line Prefix Validity Code: 4 bytes Documentation: 44 bytes. The documentation region consists of the following: - Block Header CRC: 2 bytes (OGE Table 3-5) - Scan Status: 4 bytes (OGE Table 3-6) - Year, Day, Time from Block 0: 8 bytes (OGE Table 3-6) - Block Header: 30 bytes (OGE Table 3-5) Bytes 17-24 now contain the time the block was disseminated from the ground station. The rest of the line is made up of 8040 bytes of 8-bit data. (OGE Table 3-6) Imager Area DIRECTORY Block (For blocks 1-10, bands 1-5) Word Value and Description W5 1; size of the z-dimension W14 1; number of bands requested W19 band filter map; 1 for VIS; 2, 4, 8 or 16 for IR bands; only one bit should be set W25-32 RT IMGR IR; (ASCII string) RT IMGR VIS if the band is visible W49 76; length of the DATA block line prefix documentation region, in bytes W50 0; length of the DATA block line prefix calibration region, in bytes W51 0; length of the DATA block line prefix level map region, in bytes W52 GVAR; image source type W53 RAW; calibration type W55 1 Imager area DATA Block GOES Variable Imager data is transmitted in five spectral bands: VISIBLE (VIS) and four INFRARED (IR) bands. An area contains only one of these five bands. Area Directory Word 19 contains a band filter map indicating the area file's band. The highest resolution (lowest values of line and element resolution in the Area Directory) possible for a visible area is 1. The highest resolution for an IR area is 4 because longer wavelengths inherently have less resolution. For a GVAR satellite, Resolution 1 means approximately 1 km resolution at the satellite subpoint. Every element in a GOES-8 area contains one 10-bit pixel representing raw data from the instrument. Each pixel is stored as two bytes in the McIDAS area file. The hardware shifts the data so that the 10 bits are formatted as follows: | 0 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | The x represents a data bit and the rest is 0-filled after shifting. Line Prefix Validity Code: 4 bytes Documentation: 76 bytes. The documentation region consists of the following: - Block Header CRC: 2 bytes. Last three bits only; bit is set if Block Header copy is good. This data is usually 00,07. - Scan Status: 4 bytes (OGE Table 3-6) - Year, Day, Time from Block 0: 8 bytes - Block Header: 30 bytes (OGE Table 3-5) Bytes 17-24 now contain the time the block was disseminated from the ground station. - Additional Line Documentation: 32 bytes. 16 10- bit fields, right-justified. (OGE Table 3-7) The 6 bit field on the left hand side is not zero filled. To get the 10 bit field a logical AND against 03FF (hex) must be used. Data The rest of the line consists of up to 41920 bytes of data. Because it is 2-byte data, half that many pixels are represented. Imager NAV Block Navigation blocks are divided into 640 words. Unless otherwise noted, words are twos complement binary integers. This navigation information comes from Block 0 records. Bytes designated R*4 in OGE Tables are in Gould format. They must be scaled and then converted to integers; or converted to Real on the machine doing the decoding, scaled as designated below, and then converted to integer. Word Value and Description W1 GVAR; navigation type W2 ASCII string; usually a letter followed by three integers, for example, U001 W3 imager scan status; bits 0-15 are right justified, bit 15 is the least significant bit; IMC active flag is bit 8, counting from the least significant bit; 1=active; see OGE Table 3-6, bytes 3-6 W4-5 0; not used W6-62 see OGE Table 3-6, bytes 295-522 W6 reference longitude, rad * 10000000 W7 reference distance from nominal, km * 10000000 W8 reference latitude, rad * 10000000 W9 reference yaw, rad * 10000000 W10 reference attitude roll, rad * 10000000 W11 reference attitude pitch, rad * 10000000 W12 reference attitude yaw, rad * 10000000 W13-14 epoch date/time, BCD format W15 delta from epoch time, minutes * 100 W16 image motion compensation roll, rad * 10000000 W17 image motion compensation pitch, rad * 10000000 W18 image motion compensation yaw, rad * 10000000 W19-31 longitude delta from reference values, rad * 10000000 W32-42 radial distance delta from reference values, rad * 10000000 W43-51 geocentric latitude delta values, no units * 10000000 W52-60 orbit yaw delta values, no units * 10000000 W61 daily solar rate, rad/min * 10000000 W62 exponential start time from epoch, minutes * 100 W63-117 roll attitude angle information; see OGE Table 3-6, bytes 523-742 W63 exponential magnitude, rad * 10000000 W64 exponential time constant, minutes * 100 W65 mean attitude angle, rad * 10000000 W66 number of sinusoids/angles, no units W67 magnitude of first order sinusoid, rad * 10000000 W68 phase angle of first order sinusoid, rad * 10000000 : W95 magnitude of fifteenth sinusoid, rad * 10000000 W96 phase angle of fifteenth sinusoid, rad * 10000000 W97 number of monomial sinusoid, no units W98 order of applicable sinusoid, no units W99 order of first monomial sinusoid, no units W100 magnitude of monomial sinusoid, rad * 10000000 W101 phase angle of monomial sinusoid, rad * 10000000 W102 angle from epoch at daily solar rate, rad * 10000000 W103-107 repeat of Words 98-102 for second monomial W108-112 repeat of Words 98-102 for third monomial W113-117 repeat of Words 98-102 for fourth monomial W118-127 reserved W128 MORE; 4-byte ASCII W129 GVAR; 4-byte ASCII W130-239 attitude angles W130-184 repeat of Words 63-117 for pitch attitude angle; see OGE Table 3-6, bytes 743-962 W185-239 repeat of Words 63-117 for yaw attitude angle; see OGE Table 3-6, bytes 963-1182 W240-255 reserved W256 MORE; 4-byte ASCII W257 GVAR; 4-byte ASCII W258-367 misalignment angles W258-312 repeat of Words 63-117 for roll misalignment angle; see OGE Table 3-6, bytes 1183-1402 W313-367 repeat of Words 63-117 for pitch misalignment angle; see OGE Table 3-6, bytes 1403-1622 W368 year and Julian day, YYDDD W369 nominal start time of image, HHMMSS W370 1; Imager/Sounder instrument flag; 1 = Imager, 2 = Sounder W371-379 reserved W380 instrument nadir, north/south cycles; see OGE Table 3-6, byte 6305 W381 instrument nadir, east/west cycles; see OGE Table 3-6, byte 6306 W382 instrument nadir, north/south increments; see OGE Table 3-6, byte 6307-6308 W383 instrument nadir, east/west increments; see OGE Table 3-6, byte 6309-6310 W384 MORE; 4-byte ASCII W385 GVAR; 4-byte ASCII W386-511 reserved W512 MORE; 4-byte ASCII W513 GVAR; 4-byte ASCII W514-640 reserved Imager CAL Block There are two instruments on the GOES-8 through GOES-12 series of satellites: the Sounder and the Imager. Even sensor source numbers represent Imager data and odd sensor source numbers represent Sounder data. Area Directory Word 52 contains the image source type: GVAR for GVAR data as it is ingested (2 byte) VISR for 1-byte visible or infrared imagery VISR data cannot be ingested; GVAR data can be transformed to VISR with a McIDAS utility such as AA or SENAA. Area Directory Word 53 contains the units in which the data is stored: RAW for 2-byte raw GVAR data BRIT for 1-byte visible or infrared values Area Directory Word 14 contains the number of spectral bands present in an Imager area. The filter band map in Area Directory Word 19 describes the bands in an area. A bit is set for each band appearing in the area. The number of bands must match the value in Word 14. The Imager calibration block is made up of 128 words (512 bytes). The data is in the Gould format. Word Value and Description W1-W8 visible bias coefficients; one per detector (OGE Table 3-6, bytes 6399-6430) W9-W16 visible first order gain coefficients; one per detector (OGE Table 3-6, bytes 6431-6462) W17-W24 visible second order gain coefficients; one per detector (OGE Table 3-6, bytes 6463-6494) W25 visible radiance to albedo conversion factor (OGE Table 3-6, bytes 6495-6498) W26-W29 det side 1 IR bias scaling factors; one per IR channel (OGE Table 3-6: bytes 6667-6670 Ch 4, Side 1; bytes 6675-6679 Ch 5, Side 1; bytes 6683-6686 Ch 2, Side 1; bytes 6691-6694 Ch 3, Side 1) W30-W33 det side 2 IR bias scaling factors; one per IR channel (OGE Table 3-6: bytes 6695-6698 Ch 4, Side 2; bytes 6703-6706 Ch 5, Side 2; bytes 6711-6714 Ch 2, Side 2; bytes 6719-6722 Ch 3, Side 2) W34-W37 det side 1 IR gain scaling factors; one per IR channel (OGE Table 3-6: bytes 6723-6726 Ch 4, Side 1; bytes 6731-6734 Ch 5, Side 1; bytes 6739-6742 Ch 2, Side 1; bytes 6747-6750 Ch 3, Side 1) W38-W41 det side 2 IR gain scaling factors; one per IR channel (OGE Table 3-6: bytes 6751-6753 Ch 4, Side 2; bytes 6759-6762 Ch 5, Side 2;bytes 6767-6770 Ch 2, Side 2; bytes 6775-6778 Ch 3, Side 2) W42-W128 0 BLOCK 11 Block 11 Holding areas contain data for Sounder images. This data cannot be easily accessed. A decoder must reformat the raw Block 11 data and place it in Sounder image areas, where it is available for analysis and display. Block 11 Holding Area DIRECTORY Block Word Value and Description W11 number of bytes per element; 1 or 2 depending on the element size of the desired band; a holding area cannot contain both 1- and 2-byte data W14 1; number of bands in the image W19 block type filter; positions of set bits correspond to the block types requested; the least significant bit is the right hand bit; a value of 787968 translates to 0c0600 hex with bits set in positions 20, 19, 11 and 10 W25-32 ordinarily contains the ASCII string RT BK11 BYT1 W49 40; length of the DATA block line prefix documentation region, in bytes W50 0; length of the DATA block line prefix calibration region, in bytes W51 0; length of the DATA block line prefix level map region, in bytes W52 BK11; image source type W53 RAW; calibration type Block 11 Holding Area DATA Block GVAR transmits 22 types of Block 11 data. This can be 6-, 8-, or 10-bit data. The user can specify any type to be stored in a single holding area. Control fields in the line prefix or the first portion of the data (called the SAD ID) are used by post-processes, such as the Sounder decoder, to determine the block type. Each DATA block line consists of a single Block 11 sector (or block). All blocks are 8040 bytes. Refer to the OGE, sections 3.3.7 - for a detailed breakdown of the contents of each block type. The 10-bit data is formatted as follows: | 0 | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | The x represents a data bit and the rest is zero-filled after shifting. The 8-bit data is formatted as follows: | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | The 6-bit data is formatted as follows: | 0 | 0 | x | x | x | x | x | x | Line Prefix Validity Code: 4 bytes Documentation: 40 bytes. The documentation region consists of the following: - Block Header CRC: 2 bytes (OGE Table 3-5) - Current Year, Day and Time from Block 0: 8 bytes (OGE Table 3-6) - Block Header: 30 bytes (OGE Table 3-5) Bytes 17-24 now contain the time the block was disseminated from the ground station. The rest of the line consists of up to 8040 bytes of data, depending on block type. WARNING: The Block Header CRC field is overwritten in the mainframe by a 2-byte counter. This is used to check sequencing of the data flow. GVAR SOUNDER Sounder areas are decoded from Block 11 holding area data. Block 11 Decoded Sounder Area DIRECTORY Block Word Value and Description W12 line resolution; 10 is the base resolution; if lines are sampled or averaged, the resolution is in multiples of 10. W13 element resolution; 10 is the base resolution; if pixels are sampled or averaged, the resolution is in multiples of 10. W14 19; number of bands W19 54287; band filter map; translates to 0007ffff hex; bits set for bands 1-19 W25-32 ordinarily contains the ASCII string PRIORITY COMPLETED W49 36; length of the DATA block line prefix documentation region, in bytes W50 0; length of the DATA block line prefix calibration region, in bytes W51 24; length of the DATA block line prefix level map region, in bytes W52 GVAR; image source type W53 RAW; calibration type Block 11 Decoded Sounder Area DATA Block The GVAR Sounder Decoder reads Block 11 Holding areas, which contain blocks of type 32 (20hex) and type 35 (23hex) as well as others. These blocks are documented in OGE, section and section Navigation and calibration data is read from type 32 blocks (Sounder documentation blocks). Sensor data is read from type 35 blocks (Sounder scan data blocks) and then reformatted and placed in the Sounder image area. All Sounder data fields are 13 bits and are placed in 2- byte (16-bit) fields. There are 23 bands of data for each pixel in a Sounder scan data block. The pixels correspond to a geographic area 11 pixels west-east and 4 pixels north-south. For each image line, the decoder produces 11 sets of 23 interleaved fields of data. Bands 20-23 of this data are not displayable; they hold the latitude and longitude of the first 19 bands. The latitude and longitudes are 32-bit values. Since the actual Sounder data is 16 bits, the latitude and longitude values must be split in half to store them in the area structure. Band 20 holds the two most significant bytes and band 21 holds the two least significant bytes of the latitude. Band 22 holds the two most significant bytes and band 23 holds the two least significant bytes of the longitude. These latitude and longitude values are in the Gould floating point format. See OGE, section 3.5.4. For example, if the latitude of a pixel is 100.1640625, the hex representation is 42642A00; band 20 holds 4264, and band 21 holds 2A00. No code is provided in this package to use these latitudes and longitudes; they are included only for reference purposes. There are four Sounder sensors: A through D. Each DATA block line contains information from only one sensor. The first line contains sensor A information, the second line, sensor B, etc. This pattern is repeated for the entire DATA block. Line Prefix Validity Code: 4 bytes Documentation: 36 bytes. The documentation region consists of the following: - First 9 words of SAD Block ID: 9 bytes (OGE Table 3-8) - Year, Day, Time of scan line start: 8 bytes (OGE Table 3-11) - Sounder scan status: 2 bytes (OGE Table 3-11) - Number of Block 11 blocks in the scan: 2 bytes (OGE Table 3-11) - O&A Location: 2 bytes. No longer used. - Detector status: 10 bytes (OGE Table 3-11) - Detector used in this area line: 1 byte - padding: 2 bytes Level map; indicates band order for this line: 24 bytes The rest of the line is made up of the interleaved Sounder data. Block 11 Decoded Sounder Area NAV Block Navigation blocks are divided into 640 words. Unless otherwise noted, words are twos complement binary integers. This navigation information comes from Block 11 records, type 32. Bytes designated R*4 in the OGE Tables are in Gould format in the holding areas. They must be scaled and then converted to integers; or converted to Real on the machine doing the decoding, scaled as designated below, and then converted to integer. Word Value and Description W1 GVAR; navigation type W2 ASCII string; usually a letter followed by three integers, for example, U001 W3 imager scan status; bits 0-15 are right justified, bit 15 is the least significant bit; IMC active flag is bit 8, counting from the least significant bit; 1=active; see OGE Table 3-11, bytes 3-6 W4-5 0; not used W6-62 see OGE Table 3-11, bytes 323-550 W6 reference longitude, rad * 10000000 W7 reference distance from nominal, km * 10000000 W8 reference latitude, rad * 10000000 W9 reference yaw, rad * 10000000 W10 reference attitude roll, rad * 10000000 W11 reference attitude pitch, rad * 10000000 W12 reference attitude yaw, rad * 10000000 W13-14 epoch date/time, BCD format W15 delta from epoch time, minutes * 100 W16 image motion compensation roll, rad * 10000000 W17 image motion compensation pitch, rad * 10000000 W18 image motion compensation yaw, rad * 10000000 W19-31 longitude delta from reference values, rad * 10000000 W32-42 radial distance delta from reference values, rad * 10000000 W43-51 geocentric latitude delta values, no units * 10000000 W52-60 orbit yaw delta values, no units * 10000000 W61 daily solar rate, rad/min * 10000000 W62 exponential start time from epoch, minutes * 100 W63-117 roll attitude angle information; see OGE Table 3-11, bytes 551-770 W63 exponential magnitude, rad * 10000000 W64 exponential time constant, minutes * 100 W65 mean attitude angle, rad * 10000000 W66 number of sinusoids/angles, no units W67 magnitude of first order sinusoid, rad * 10000000 W68 phase angle of first order sinusoid, rad * 10000000 : W95 magnitude of fifteenth sinusoid, rad * 10000000 W96 phase angle of fifteenth sinusoid, rad * 10000000 W97 number of monomial sinusoid, no units W98 order of applicable sinusoid, no units W99 order of first monomial sinusoid, no units W100 magnitude of monomial sinusoid, rad * 10000000 W101 phase angle of monomial sinusoid, rad * 10000000 W102 angle from epoch at daily solar rate, rad * 10000000 W103-107 repeat of Words 98-102 for second monomial W108-112 repeat of Words 98-102 for third monomial W113-117 repeat of Words 98-102 for fourth monomial W118-127 reserved W128 MORE; 4-byte ASCII W129 GVAR; 4-byte ASCII W130-239 attitude angles see OGE Table 3-11, bytes 771-1210 W130-184 repeat of Words 63-117 for pitch attitude angle; see OGE Table 3-11, bytes 771-990 W185-239 repeat of Words 63-117 for yaw attitude angle; see OGE Table 3-11, bytes 991-1210 W240-255 reserved W256 MORE; 4-byte ASCII W257 GVAR; 4-byte ASCII W258-367 misalignment angles W258-312 repeat of Words 63-117 for roll misalignment angle; see OGE Table 3-11; bytes 1211-1430 W313-367 repeat of Words 63-117 for pitch misalignment angle; see OGE Table 3-11; bytes 1431-1650 W368 year and Julian day, YYDDD W369 nominal start time of the image, HHMMSS W370 2; Imager/Sounder instrument flag; 1 = Imager, 2 = Sounder W371-379 reserved W380 instrument nadir, north/south cycles; see OGE Table 3-6, byte 3005 W381 instrument nadir, east/west cycles; see OGE Table 3-6, byte 3006 W382 instrument nadir, north/south increments; see OGE Table 3-6, byte 3007-3008 W383 instrument nadir, east/west increments; see OGE Table 3-6, byte 3009-3010 W384 MORE; 4-byte ASCII W385 GVAR; 4-byte ASCII W386-511 reserved W512 MORE; 4-byte ASCII W513 GVAR; 4-byte ASCII W514-640 reserved Block 11 Decoded Sounder Area CAL Block Sounder calibration blocks are made up of 128 words (512 bytes): Word Value and Description W1-W4 visible bias coefficients; one per detector (OGE Table 3-11, bytes 3075-3090) W5-W8 visible first order gain coefficients; one per detector (OGE Table 3-11, bytes 3091-3106) W9-W12 visible second order gain coefficients; one per detector (OGE Table 3-11, bytes 3107-3122) W13 visible radiance to albedo conversion factor (OGE Table 3-11, bytes 3123-3126) W14-W31 IR bias scaling factors; one per IR channel (OGE Table 3-11, bytes 3127-3414) W32-W49 IR gain scaling factors; one per IR channel (OGE Table 3-11, bytes 3415-3702) W50-W128 0 GVAR VISSR Brightness to Temperature Conversion Algorithm The following description is for image source type VISR from Area Directory Word 52. GVAR VISSR areas can be made with the McIDAS commands AA and ARAGET. Every element in a VISSR area contains one 8-bit pixel, representing raw data from the instrument. If the area contains IR data, the observed temperature may be calculated from the pixel value using the following formulas: T = 418 - B (B>176 OR B=176) T = 330 - (B / 2) (B<176 OR B=176) T is the brightness temperature (degrees K). B is the pixel value (0 to 255). For IR data, the highest pixel values correspond to the coldest temperatures (space is white). The line prefix in a VISSR area may be absent or it may contain only the 4-byte validity code. The highest resolution, lowest values of line and element resolution in the Area Directory, possible for a visible area is 1. The highest resolution for an IR area is 4 because longer wavelengths inherently have less resolution. For a GOES satellite, resolution 1 means approximately 1 km resolution at the satellite subpoint. GOES-7 GOES-7 Area NAV Block Unless otherwise noted, the words in the navigation block are twos complement binary integers. Word Value and Description W1 GOES; navigation type W2 satellite ID, year, and Julian day, SSYYDDD W3 nominal start time of image, HHMMSS Orbit parameters W4 1; orbit type W5 epoch date (ETIMY), YYMMDD W6 epoch time (ETIMH), HHMMSS W7 semimajor axis (SEMIMA), Km * 100 W8 orbital eccentricity (ECCEN) * 100000 W9 orbital inclination (ORBINC), Deg * 1000 W10 mean anomaly (MEANA), Deg * 1000 W11 argument of perigee (PERIGEE), Deg * 1000 W12 right ascension of ascending node (ASNODE), Deg * 1000 Attitude parameters W13 declination of satellite axis (DECLIN), DDDMMSS (+ = NORTH) W14 right ascension of satellite axis (RASCEN), DDDMMSS W15 picture center line number (PICLIN) Spin W16 spin period (SPINP); the satellite period, in microseconds, or the spin rate in revolutions/minute. Frame geometry W17 total sweep angle, line direction (DEGLIN), DDDMMSS W18 number of scan lines (LINTOT), NNLLLLL where NN is number of sensors, LLLLL is number of scans; total number of actual lines is NN * LLLLL W19 total sweep angle, element direction (DEGELE), DDDMMSS W20 number of elements in a scan line (ELETOT) Camera geometry W21 forward-leaning (PITCH), DDDMMSS W22 sideways-leaning (YAW), DDDMMSS W23 rotation (ROLL), DDDMMSS W24 reserved W25 east-west adjustment value (IAJUST), in visible elements (+ or -) W26 time computed by IAJUST from the first valid landmark of the day (IAJTIM), HHMMSS W27 reserved W28 angle between the VISSR and sun sensor (ISEANG), DDDMMSS W29 0; reserved for later implementation of *SKEW* W30 reserved Betas for this area W31 scan line of first the beta W32 time of first beta's scan line (beginning), HHMMSS W33 time of first beta's scan line (continued), milliseconds * 10 W34 beta count 1 W35 scan line of second beta W36 time of second beta's scan line (beginning), HHMMSS W37 time of second beta's scan line (continued), milliseconds * 10 W38 beta count 2 Gammas for this area W39 gamma, element offset * 100; this is the nominal offset at time zero of this day W40 gamma-dot, element drift per hour * 100 W41-120 reserved W121-128 memo; up to 32 ASCII characters of comments Appendix A Sensor Source Numbers Use this table to find the number used by McIDAS software to identify sensors. Number Sensor Source 0 Non-Image Derived Data 2 Graphics 3 MDR Radar 4 PDUS METEOSAT Visible 5 PDUS METEOSAT Infrared 6 PDUS METEOSAT Water Vapor 7 Radar 8 Miscellaneous Aircraft Data (MAMS) 9 Raw METEOSAT 12 GMS Visible prior to GMS-5 13 GMS Infrared prior to GMS-5 14 ATS 6 Visible 15 ATS 6 Infrared 16 SMS-1 Visible 17 SMS-1 Infrared 18 SMS-2 Visible 19 SMS-2 Infrared 20 GOES-1 Visible 21 GOES-1 Infrared 22 GOES-2 Visible 23 GOES-2 Infrared 24 GOES-3 Visible 25 GOES-3 Infrared 26 GOES-4 Visible (VAS) 27 GOES-4 Infrared and Water Vapor (VAS) 28 GOES-5 Visible 29 GOES-5 Infrared and Water Vapor (VAS) 30 GOES-6 Visible 31 GOES-6 Infrared 32 GOES-7 Visible 33 GOES-7 Infrared 41 TIROS-N (POES) 42 NOAA-6 43 NOAA-7 44 NOAA-8 45 NOAA-9 46-49 MARINER X Spacecraft 50 Hubble Space Telescope 54 METEOSAT-3 55 METEOSAT-4 56 METEOSAT-5 57 METEOSAT-6 60 NOAA-10 61 NOAA-11 62 NOAA-12 63 NOAA-13 64 NOAA-14 70 GOES-8 (Imager) 71 GOES-8 (Sounder) 72 GOES-9 (Imager) 73 GOES-9 (Sounder) 74 GOES-10 (Imager) 75 GOES-10 (Sounder) 76 GOES-11 (Imager) 77 GOES-11 (Sounder) 78 GOES-12 (Imager) 79 GOES-12 (Sounder) 80 ERBE 82 GMS-4 83 GMS-5 84 GMS-6 85 GMS-7 87 DMSP F-8 88 DMSP F-9 89 DMSP F-10 90 DMSP F-11 91 DMSP F-12 95 FY-1b 96 FY-1c 97 FY-1d Appendix B GVAR Calibration Tables Imager Sensor Characteristics The IMAGER produces observation data for a given spatial location in four different IR spectral bands and a visible band. The characteristics of the Imager bands are given below: Band No. Wavelength Range (um) Range of Measurement Meteorological Objective And Maximum Temp. Range 1 00.55 00.75 1.6 to 100 % albedo Cloud Cover 2 03.80 04.00 4 to 320 K Night clouds (space - 340 K) 3 06.50 07.00 4 to 320 K Water vapor (space - 290 K) 4 10.20 11.20 4 to 320 K Surf Temp (space - 340 K) 5 11.50 12.50 4 to 320 K Sea surface temp and water vapor (space - 335 K) Sounder Detector Characteristics The Sounder produces data for a given spatial location in 18 IR spectral bands and a visible band. The characteristics of the Sounder bands are listed below: Band No. Central Wavelength (um) Wave No. (cm -1) Meteorological Objective And Maximum Temp. Range Longwave 1 14.71 680 Temperature (space - 280 K) 2 14.37 696 Sounding (space - 280 K) 3 14.06 711 Sounding (space - 290 K) 4 13.64 733 Sounding (space - 310 K) 5 13.37 748 Sounding (space - 320 K) 6 12.66 790 Sounding (space - 330 K) 7 12.02 832 Surface temp. (space - 340 K) Midwave 8 11.03 907 Surface temp (space - 345 K) 9 9.71 1030 Total ozone (space - 330 K) 10 7.43 1345 Water vapor (space - 310 K) 11 7.02 1425 Sounding (space - 295 K) 12 6.51 1535 Sounding (space - 290 K) Shortwave 13 4.57 2188 Temperature (space - 320 K) 14 4.52 2210 Sounding (space - 310 K) 15 4.45 2248 Sounding (space - 295 K) 16 4.13 2420 Sounding (space - 240 K) 17 3.98 2513 Surface temp (space - 345 K) 18 3.74 2671 Temperature (space - 345 K) Visible 19 0.70 14367 Cloud cover The number of spectral bands present in Imager and Sounder areas is contained in Area Directory Word 14. The filter map in Word 19 describes the bands in an area. A bit is set for each band in the area. The number of bands must match the value in Word 14. Storing Satellite Imagery in McIDAS Data Structures Preliminary Issue 12/95 |
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