Pictures taken by the SSEC AERIBAGO research group at the International H2O Project (IHOP) southern Great Plains field project ...
Pictures from the AFWEX Experiment, November - December 2000
Pictures of Antarctica, interesting iceberg images, significant weather events, and more...
interesting images from MODIS, Wildfire ABBA, GOES, NOAA polar orbiting ...
Pictures taken at the yearly "Summer Workshops for High School Students" that are hosted by CIMSS and take place here in the Madison, WI area
Gallery of cloud pictures found on the Satellite Meteorology Course website
images and information on GOES-8 applications over the years ...
Interesting MODIS satellite pictures
archive of historical McIDAS images
Pictures from the Neptune Atmospheric Research at SSEC website gallery
Pictures of EAQUATE, M-PACE, Proteus, and many others
Pictures taken at the Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences Building during the UW-Madison "2004 Science Expeditions" outreach event, April 2004
photomicrographs of snow crystals, prepared sets of glass lantern slides of dew, frost and ice crystals ...
Pictures of NASA's high altitude Environmental Research aircraft (the ER-2)
Interesting cases of fire detection using geostationary satellites.