Sila Qiġiqtaqmi

Weather, sea conditions & satellite imagery near Shishmaref

Robert Rabin1



This web page provides links for real-time weather and sea conditions near Shishmaref (Qiġiqtaq ) Alaska.

Recent surface weather observations

Latest weather forecast (NOAA/National Weather Service)

Latest ice concentration and stage map (NOAA/National Weather Service)

Ice radar at Wales (University of Alaska)
Web camara near Wales (University of Alaska)

Tides and Currents at Shishmaref Inlet (NOAA)

Wave height map for Alaska waters (NOAA)

Two types of satellite imagery are available:
1) NASA MODIS satellites (higher resolution, available twice a day)

The circles on the images indicate a 25 km range from Shishmaref.

Infrared (thermal) Image
Visible (daylight only)
TERRA Satellite
AQUA Satellite

2) the NOAA geostationary weather satellite (lower resolution, updated every 30 minutes).

The background images linked in tables below are from the visible and infrared channels of the NOAA geostationary satellite GOES-15 (western satellite). 

Most recent images for area around Shishmaref

Visible 1-km imagery
Infrared band 4 (10.7 micron)
Water vapor band 3 (6.5 micron)
Visible and overlays
Thermal (Clouds, surface)
Water vapor

Animation of images from past 3 hours)
Visible 1-km imagery Infrared band 4 (10.7 micron)
Water vapor band 3 (6.5 micron)
Visible with overlays
Thermal (Clouds, surface)
Water Vapor

Images covering a larger region of Alaska

HTML5 based applications used for interactive animations were developed by Tom Whittaker of the Space Science and Engineering Center  SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 



Disclaimer. The products from GOES or other satellites shown here are experimental. These have been generated within a research environment and are not intended to be considered operational. Timeliness, availability, and accuracy are sought but not guaranteed.

Return to CIMSS (UW-Madison) or  NSSL (NOAA/NSSL).
Last update was 9 July 2014. Feedback.