GOES  visible and infrared imagery

Arizona and Four Corners

Robert Rabin1



This web page provides near real-time imagery for the Four Corners and surrounding areas. The background images linked in table below are from the visible and infrared channels of the NOAA geostationary satellite GOES-13 (eastern satellite).  The apparent offset of clouds from their true location above the ground, parallax, has been addressed: a parallax correction has been applied to the images using the cloud top temperature from band 4 (10.7 microns) and a standard atmosphere temperature profile.  The images are updated at 30 minutes intervals. 

Flash based applications used for interactive animations were developed by Tom Whittaker of the Space Science and Engineering Center  SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison.  This requires Flash to be installed on your computer for the animations to work.

Table 1.  Latest images for selected areas

Visible 1-km imagery
IR band 2 (3.9 micron)
IR band 4 (10.7 micron)
NDVI-Bi weekly
Water vapor band 3 (6.5 micron)
Band2 Band4
NDVI Band3
Band Comparison

Table 2.  Latest daily movies (past few hours)

IR: Band 2 IR: Band 4
IR:Water Vapor
Band Comparison



Disclaimer. The products from GOES or other satellites shown here are experimental. These have been generated within a research environment and are not intended to be considered operational. Timeliness, availability, and accuracy are sought but not guaranteed.

Return to CIMSS (UW-Madison) or  NSSL (NOAA/NSSL).
Last update was 9 July 2014. Feedback.