The SSEC Visualization Project
The Visualization Project at the
Space Science and Engineering Center
(SSEC) of the
University of Wisconsin-Madison
focuses on making advanced visualization techniques useful
to scientists in their daily work. We accomplish this goal by
making two scientific visualization systems, named Vis5D and VisAD,
freely available over the Internet, and by using these systems as
testbeds for exploring and evaluating new techniques.
Check out this short fiction about artificial intelligence,
[Message Contains No Recognizable Symbols].
Check out
my recipe for chicken and broccoli chili.
Here's the
candid story of Bill's career at SSEC, which includes the
story of the SSEC Visualization Project.
VisFiles Columns in the SIGGRAPH Newsletter
Here's a Visualization Viewpoints column about the
Top Five Problems that Motovated My Work.
And here's my
first letter
and my
second letter
(fifth of eight letters) to the NY Times about manned space travel.
is a Java component library for interactive and collaborative
visualization and analysis of numerical data. It combines a
flexible data model and distributed objects (via Java RMI) to
support sharing of data, visualizations and user interfaces
between different data sources, different computers and different
scientific disciplines.
Click here
to see a screen shot of a collaborative application written using VisAD.
system is very widely used by scientists to visualize the
output of their numerical simulations of the Earth's atmosphere and
oceans. To see images generated by Vis5D, click on:
Vis5D is being used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to
visualize air quality models.
Click here
to read about our cooperation with the EPA.
We used Vis5D for experiments with the
high-speed Network as part of the Gigabit Testbed Project.
is a virtual reality version of Vis5D for the CAVE and ImmersaDesk.
It was written by the SSEC Visualization Project for
The SIGGRAPH 94 Daily Weather Forecast in the
VROOM (virtual reality room) at Siggraph '94, and
Exploring Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Models Using Vis5D and VisAD at
Supercomputing '95 in the GII Testbed.
This demonstration connected a CAVE in San Diego to an SP-2 data server at
Argonne National Labs via the high-speed I-WAY network. Click
to see a Cave5D view of sea surface temperatures and upper air
winds from the global coupled ocean-atmosphere model.
Cave5D is currently being devloped and distributed by Sheri Mickelson
and John Taylor of Argonne National Laboratory. It is freely available
here. Cave5D can be applied to any Vis5D data set (i.e.,
any .v5d file).
Serving and Viewing Vis5D Files Via the Web
Scientists are using the World Wide Web to exchange the output of their
models as Vis5D files. Links to Vis5D files are embedded in Web
pages, just as links to GIF files are embedded in Web pages, and
Web browsers invoke Vis5D to view them, just as browsers invoke xv
to view GIF files.
Sites regularly serving model output as Vis5D files via the Web include:
In order to view these model runs, you must install Vis5D and set
up your Web browser (e.g., Netscape or Mosaic) to invoke Vis5D as
an external viewer.
Click here
to find out how to do it, or to find out how to serve your own
model runs via the Web.
You may also be interested in
Mesa, which was originally
developed by Brian Paul while with the SSEC Visualization Project.
Mesa is a 3-D graphics library with an API which is very similar to that
of OpenGL.* To the extent
that Mesa utilizes the OpenGL command syntax or state machine, it is
being used with authorization from Silicon Graphics, Inc. However, the
author makes no claim that Mesa is in any way a compatible replacement
for OpenGL or associated with Silicon Graphics, Inc. Those who want a
licensed implementaion of OpenGL should contact a licensed vendor. This
software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General
Public License, see the LICENSE file for details.
* OpenGL(R) is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Here are a few publications of the SSEC Visualization Project:
Java distributed components for numerical visualization in VisAD
William Hibbard, Curtis Rueden, Steve Emmerson, Tom Rink, David Glowacki,
Tom Whittaker, Don Murray, David Fulker, John Anderson,
Communications of the ACM 48, No. 3, 2005,
VisAD: Connecting people to computations and people to people
W. Hibbard, Computer Graphics 32, No. 3, 1998,
- Exploring coupled atmosphere-ocean models using Vis5D
W. Hibbard, J. Anderson, I. Foster, B. Paul, R. Jacob, C. Schafer, M. Tyree,
Int. J. of Supercomputer Applications 10, No. 2, 1996,
- Virtual Chesapeake Bay: interacting with a coupled physical/biological model
G. H. Wheless, C. M. Lascara, A. Valle-Levinson, D. P. Brutzman, W. Sherman,
W. L. Hibbard, and B. E. Paul,
Computer Graphics and Applications 16, No. 4, 1996, 52-57.
Interactive Visualization of Earth and Space Science Computations
W. L. Hibbard, B. E. Paul, D. A. Santek, C. R. Dyer, A. L. Battaiola, and
M-F. Voidrot-Martinez,
Computer 27, No. 7, July 1994, 65-72.
A Lattice Model for Data Display
W. L. Hibbard, C. R. Dyer, and B. E. Paul,
Proc. IEEE Visualization '94, 1994, 310-317.
Display of Scientific Data Structures for Algorithm Visualization
W. Hibbard, C. R. Dyer, and B. Paul,
Proc. IEEE Visualization '92, 1992, 139-146.
- Interactive Atmospheric Data Access Via High Speed Networks
W. Hibbard, D. Santek, and G. Tripoli,
Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 22, 1991, 103-109.
- The VIS-5D System for Easy Interactive Visualization
W. Hibbard, and D. Santek,
Proc. IEEE Visualization '90, 1990, 129-134.
- Visualizing Large Data Sets in the Earth Sciences
W. Hibbard, and D. Santek,
Computer 22, No. 8, August 1989, 53-57.
Interactivity is the Key
W. Hibbard, and D. Santek,
Proc. Chapel Hill Workshop on Volume Visualization, 1989, 39-43.
- Application of the 4-D McIDAS to a Model Diagnostic Study of the Presidents'
Day Cyclone
W. Hibbard, L. Uccellini, D. Santek, and K. Brill,
Bull. Amer. Met. Soc. 70, 1989, 1394-1403.
- 4-D Display of Meteorological Data
W. Hibbard, and D. Santek,
Proc. 1986 Workshop on Interactive 3D Graphics, 1986, 23-36.
- Computer Generated Imagery for 4-D Meteorological Data
W. Hibbard,
Bull. Amer. Met. Soc. 67, 1986, 1362-1369.
- 3-D Weather Displays Using McIDAS
W. Hibbard, R. Krauss, and J. Young,
Preprints, Conf. Interactive Information and Processing Systems
for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, 1985, 153-156.
An Efficient Method of Interpolating Observations to Uniformly
Spaced Grids
W. Hibbard, and D. Wiley,
Preprints, Conf. Interactive Information and Processing Systems
for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, 1985, 144-147.
Video Publications
And here are a few video publications of the SSEC Visualization Project:
- Verifying a Weather Model Using Satellite Observations
W. Hibbard, and B. Paul,
Siggraph Video Review 114, 1995.
- Computational Steering with VisAD
W. Hibbard, and B. Paul,
Siggraph Video Review 108, 1995.
- Real-time Volume Rendering of Downbursts
W. Hibbard, and B. Paul,
Siggraph Video Review 105, 1994.
- Hurricane Gilbert
W. Hibbard, and B. Paul,
Siggraph Video Review 105, 1994.
- Energy Generation by Controlled Thunderstorm
W. Hibbard, and B. Paul,
Siggraph Video Review 82, 1992.
- Using VisAD to visualize a cloud discrimination algorithm
W. Hibbard, and B. Paul,
Video Proceedings of IEEE Visualization '92, 1992.
- El Nino Satellite Observations and Downburst Simulation
W. Hibbard, and D. Santek,
Siggraph Video Review 74, 1991.
- Cold Fronts Moving Across the North Atlantic
W. Hibbard, and D. Santek,
Siggraph Video Review 61, 1990.
- Volume Visualization of Clouds
W. Hibbard,
Siggraph Video Review 44, 1989.
- Interactive Earth Science Visualization
W. Hibbard, and D. Santek,
Siggraph Video Review 43, 1989.
- Visualization of Four-dimensional Meteorological Data
W. Hibbard, D. Santek, and G. Dengel,
Siggraph Video Review 37, 1988.
- Presidents' Day Storm
W. Hibbard, and D. Santek,
Siggraph Video Review 35, 1988.
You can obtain copies of most of these videos from the
Siggraph Video Review.
More Information
For more information about the SSEC Visualization Project please contact
Bill Hibbard.
Here's a comprehensive list of
scientific visualization web sites.
I highly recommend
Google Scholar
for general scientific information,
for technical information,
Flight Stats
in case you should be so unfortunate as to need flight information, and
as an on-line encyclopedia. See
Scholarpedia for a
free peer reviewed encyclopedia of computational neuroscience,
dynamical systems and computational intelligence. See
Open Culture
for a wealth of free cultural and educational media. See
Investopedia and
for useful financial information. See
for useful science information.
To find general information on the Web I recommend
and the
WayBack Machine web archive.
For current news I like
The New York Times,
The Wall Street Journal,
The New York Post,
The Financial Times,
The Economist,
The London Times,
The Independent (London),
The Guardian (London),
The Telegraph (London),
The Australian,
The International Herald Tribune (Paris),
Mainichi Daily News (Tokyo),
Sumo results (but see
The Japan Times (Tokyo),
The Daily Yomiuri (Tokyo),
NHK World (Tokyo),
The China Daily (Beijing),
The Moscow Times,
The Moscow News,
The Wisconsin State Journal
and this
list of on-line newspapers
at the Internet Public Library.
I like Howard Johnson's art
for his imagination, I like
Jim Norton's Heavy Table for fun
and good Midwestern food, I like
Mike Critelli's blog for
his good judgement, and I like
Bruce Perens' web site for
his insight into technology.
The Drudge Report is good
for breaking stories.
Truthout and
Robert Reich's thoughts.
Cricket news.
Don't miss the
NY Times Best of the Millennium. If you need to work with Word files
Google Docs is free and easy.
You can have lots of fun with
Google Maps. Make sure to
click on "Satellite" once you zoom into an interesting location.
The Edge. Check out the
Halloween Documents.
And the Darwin Awards.
Of course the
Las Vegas Casino Death Watch.
Google Beta.
2001 A Space Odyssey, explained.
Chernobyl Rides, a hoax but nevertheless interesting.
Interested in saving the world? Check out
The Copenhagen Consensus.
Of course I would add raising public consciousness about the need to
regulate artificial intelligence.